4 surprising benefits of yoga

There are many physical benefits of yoga from practicing yoga regularly, for example, increased flexibility and core strength, etc. However, the non-physical benefits are less well documented, but they are still a great benefit. Some of the non-physical benefits of practicing yoga regularly are outlined below.

1. An elevated mood and increased satisfaction

When practicing yoga, you are encouraged to regulate your breathing using deep breathing and meditation techniques. This allows you to slow down your breathing; leaving you, feeling much more relaxed. However, there has also been research that points to a stimulation of brain activity, leading to a more positive mood. The study found an increase in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) allergic activity for those who practiced yoga regularly.

The study ran for 12 weeks and compared a group that performed a walking activity with a group of participants who practiced yoga regularly, finding higher GABA levels in the yoga group. Low GABA levels have been associated with anxiety and depression.

2. Improves concentration and focus.

Yoga has been shown to increase a person’s ability to focus and focus. Research has shown that people are much better able to focus and stay focused after a yoga session. The researchers compared a yoga group to one that had done regular gym training and found that the gym group, when asked to perform tasks, lacked concentration.

There were no definitive answers as to why this may occur. However, the researchers pointed to the fact that yoga increases self-awareness and leads to a less anxious state in which cognitive function can be improved.

3. Improve the mind / body connection

Yoga has long been shown to improve the mind-body relationship, primarily through the use of particular postures and breathing techniques. Certain poses and breathing techniques have been shown to increase blood flow to the brain and the entire nervous system.

The “conversation” your body has between the mental and the physical can be enhanced by many types of movement and exercise. Yoga is excellent for this very purpose, as it encourages the synchronization of movement with the regulation of breathing. Ultimately, yoga is about the unity of mind and body, both sides of the same coin.

4. Self-knowledge increases

Many psychotherapists and natural healers promote self-awareness or self-awareness. Those who seek this should be warned that it is not straightforward. However, yoga can generate this awareness and the rewards are great. Once this has been achieved, life becomes a much richer experience, with an outlook on life and an overall positive attitude that allows the yoga practitioner to experience physical sensations not normally felt within the limits of the self. normal consciousness.

Feelings not invaded by words or thoughts can be an eye opener, leading to subtle but definitely noticeable changes in mind and spirit. By learning to ignore the chatter of the mind while strengthening the body, you can discover the secrets of self-knowledge.

The above are just a few examples, the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, when it comes to the general, non-physical benefits of yoga. Yoga is just wonderful, start today!

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September 16, 2021