Low protein treats for dogs with kidney problems

There is a rash from dogs with kidney problems these days. If you’re dealing with this, your vet may have recommended low-protein dog foods and treats to reduce the amount of work your dog’s kidneys have to do to process the food.

Here’s what to look for in low-protein dog treats and foods:

1. Uremic toxins

Uremic toxins are by-products of the normal function of the kidneys. These toxic materials are usually released during urination, but if your dog has kidney problems this can be more difficult. A low-protein dog diet will limit the production of uremic toxins, causing your dog’s kidneys to have to work slightly less.

2. Nausea

If these uremic toxins build up in your pet, your dog will start to feel fatigued or nauseous. I could throw up. Giving your dog low protein foods will help limit nausea.

3. Low phosphorus content

If your dog suffers from any kidney problems, he can’t get a lot of phosphorus (found in protein, hence the restriction on the low-protein diet).

If your pet continues his typical diet, he could develop hyperphosphatemia. This condition ends in an electrolyte imbalance in the dog and, if left untreated, it can also cause kidney failure. Along with kidney problems, this can lead to dialysis.

The kidneys do much of the heavy lifting of removing toxins from your pet’s body. The kidneys remove any chemicals from food, pollutants, insecticides, food dyes, anything that is not necessary for health.

Once your dog is diagnosed with kidney problems, you must find a way to manage it. Veterinarians will generally recommend limiting protein and placing dogs on low-protein diets.

However, it is a good balance. According to vet Dr. Pitcairn, you shouldn’t cut down on protein completely, as it can be harmful. But do you want to feed enough good quality protein (like real meat) so that your pet gets the nutrients it needs?

It also says that your dog will need more vitamins A, B, and C. These will nourish your pet’s immune system and help the kidneys.

Many pet owners have opted out of prescription foods and have started cooking for their pets.

You can even make homemade low-protein treats for dogs. They are fun and easy.

If you are interested in learning more about low protein dog treat recipes, visit my website where I share homemade dog treat recipes for your dog.

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