Race pace conditioning for runners

Attend any local race, watch coverage of running events or listen at sporting goods stores… runners will commonly discuss and compare their “pace”. At the heart of any length race, whether it’s 5K, 10K or 50K, is pace. Pace can make or break a runner’s performance. To the casual observer of the event, the runners simply race through a mass of pit-to-pat and cheering crowds. However, every runner has a set pace, and has worked for months to get it right.

So running isn’t just running? The starting gun goes off, the group of people in tank tops advances and they appear later, a little more sweaty and breathless, at the finish line. That is the basic theme. Start, run, finish. Take a closer look. Some runners are checking out oversized watches. Some are right behind others, the determination in their eyes sharpening. Everyone is reaping the rewards of a well-constructed groove.

Rhythm isn’t just about speed. It’s not just about resistance. It’s not just about breathing. It is all this and more. If a normal person who doesn’t run started with the group, he or she could run just fine…for a while. Perhaps this person will run to the head of the pack in a triumphant “aha!” and shoot down the course with pardonable glee. But if this person hasn’t set a pace, he or she is doomed to regress in a few minutes to a huffing and puffing walker. Can this same person run that race, stay with the pack, and finish (although he may not win at first) successfully? Yes, if he creates, maintains and respects a good rhythm. Runners create rhythm through training. An Olympic runner will have a sharp, fast pace that will see them win all but a few races. A normal mortal who just likes to run, and maybe compete, will have a slower pace (8-minute miles compared to an Olympian’s 5-minute miles), but the mechanics are similar. A rhythm is created through regular and consistent runs, synchronized breathing, and conditioning. An established rhythm, once established, can speed up over time. But it requires a lot of work for most people.

Consistency: Runners who would like to run need to run consistently. Training schedules vary from person to person, but the general idea is the same: be consistent. Distance, terrain, or slope may change, but consistency must be maintained. If a runner chooses a 5 days a week program, he can run, walk/jog, or sprint at will, as long as those 5 days are consistent. The remaining two days can be used for complete rest, or just walking. Varies, as mentioned above, based on individual preference and athletic ability/health concerns.

Synchronized Breathing – It is easy to tell the fitness level of any runner simply by listening to how that runner breathes. Quick, gasping breaths within the first mile will generally signify a lower fitness level, while rhythmic, easy, timed breaths (or inaudible breathing) will lean more towards a higher fitness level. The key with breathing is to give your body the oxygen it needs, in a constant intake, without overdoing it. The oxygen level will directly correlate to the pace. If the runner is trained to run six miles in 2/2 breaths, then he or she can expect to do well at that set pace. What does that mean? 2/2 breaths is two inhalations for two strides, then two exhalations for two strides. Some runners can breathe like a “waltz” (1-2-3, 1-2-3) with 3/3. Or even three inhalations and two exhalations. Just like consistency needs, breathing will vary from runner to runner. The rhythm will be set around this pattern. If a runner can run miles in 8 minutes on 3/2 breaths, that’s pace. Maybe this runner wants to push up to 7-minute miles. Set the consistency to more run days than walk days, increase your breathing to half, maybe, and voila, a slightly faster pace. A runner can only run well according to what his physical pace allows. Sprint out of it for the fourth mile of a 10K, and yes, a runner can still finish, but the cardiopulmonary and muscular systems will have a much harder time. A broken rhythm will equate to poor results.

Conditioning: Fitness improves with better conditioning. Like the rhythm. Start with a good, consistent program, get a good, consistent breathing pattern, and then condition to up the ante. Sprints, hills, rough terrain (sand), and wind are all good conditioners to “mix things up.” Keep in mind, however, that these tools can be harder on ligaments and joints than simple, smooth work. Sprints and hills can increase the chance of leg cramps or knee pain. The sandy and difficult terrain can be hard on the knees and ankles. Be careful when adding them to the program. A well-grounded, consistent running program will prepare the body for conditioning – add hills slowly and easily. Walk through them if necessary.

Racing Tip: Everyone has a set pace, as we mentioned before. When a field of racers jumps on the weapon and spreads down the course, the fastest people, of course, take the lead, with pace speeds fanning out accordingly. A runner may choose to pace another runner who is traveling at relatively the same speed. If his pace is a little faster than this other person’s, he goes ahead and passes. Your rhythm is your rhythm. Stay true to that. If another runner is only slightly faster, but you can follow them for a while, that’s fine. But don’t break the pace to match theirs, as he will tire faster and have a much harder time. However, he continues to condition. Perhaps in time, that faster pace will be yours, and you may end up with shorter and shorter times. Check the published times once the race is over. Some will have a name, an age group and, on the far right, a rhythm. The more you train, the lower that number, your pace time, will be.

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