Benefits of a DIY Solar Water Heater

Even if you are a newbie with DIY projects, DIY solar water heater is still a good project for you to do. There are different levels of difficulty that can be built, depending on the type of project you are doing. Regardless of your experience level, you’ll be able to find a project that’s right for both your needs and your level of experience.

There are different options for DIY solar water heaters and the simplest ones are batch water heaters. These are designed so that the parts you need are readily available at your neighborhood hardware store. The different options include different layouts that can be tailored to suit your specific needs or personal taste.

The batch water heater uses a tank of water that is placed where it will heat energy using the energy of the sun. It is then connected to your home’s plumbing system. You want the sun’s heating of the water to be as efficient as possible, and you may need to get a little creative to achieve this.

The first thing is to have your water tank painted a matt black color. Since black absorbs lights, this helps the tank absorb and retain as much heat as possible. Beyond this, you’ll need to take stock of what’s available to you and get creative. Many people enclose the batch water heater in a basic glass case. This creates an insulated area near the water heater that will also help retain heat.

Some people get even more creative. Some DIY solar water heaters incorporate moveable mirrors strategically placed around the water tank. The sun’s rays then hit these mirrors and reflect back into the system, increasing the surface area that will be heated. These mirror systems are the most effective as the largest surface area is used, helping the tank to make the most of the sun’s rays.

However, if you live in cold climates, you must recognize that the batch water heater is probably not a good option for you. If you run into long periods of sub-zero temperatures, you’ll definitely want to avoid the batch system. Cold weather and freezing temperatures can cause batch heaters to break. Batch heaters in colder climates should be drained over the winter to protect them.

So if you reside in a colder climate, you should look to one of the many other options available for DIY solar water heaters. An alternative is a closed loop system. With a closed-loop system, the water is in constant motion and never has a chance to freeze and cause damage. However, closed-loop systems are more technical and require more plumbing knowledge, so you should only attempt this if you have a lot of DIY experience.

The great thing about this type of system is that they will lower your energy cost and reduce your carbon footprint, so they are great for the environment. Most DIY solar water heaters can be built for under $1200, which means it won’t be long before your investment pays for itself and you’ll have fun building this new money-saving system.

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