Using a Water Fuel Conversion Unit Saves You Money

Recently, with diesel prices continuing to rise, we all need to take a look at how gasoline and diesel prices are affecting our cost of living. Some of us are concerned about CO2 and carbon emissions and save the world, so to speak, that there is a possible solution to reduce carbon emissions and at the same time save on our fuel costs is enough for us all to be convinced become a Water Fuel Conversion Unit, so to speak. The price of gasoline and diesel has all of us, well some of us, locking up our wallets or purses for fear of spending too much on fuel. Our weekly fuel bill, we work to keep it to a maximum of $100.00 per week when we can, how about you?

If you have a long way to go to work, you’re giving away a hefty amount of cash each month to companies that have been exploiting you for years. So what would you say to a supplemental hydrogen generator and the opportunity to save up to a thousand dollars a year on your fuel bill?

Think of what happens in an ordinary engine without a hydrogen conversion mechanism. Benzine generates by-products during the engine combustion process. All the fuel molecules that are not treated by the engine are energy lost because the molecules that are not burned in the combustion process are useless and are eliminated through the exhaust to pollute the atmosphere, wasting money, don’t you think? Some might say that you paid for the pollutants that were simply released into the air through your exhaust. To be honest, a hydrogen generator can give you up to 80% more miles per gallon, let’s face it, any savings would add value to you and the environment.

Let’s consider this scenario, your vehicle has a 20 gallon tank and you get an average of 25 miles per gallon. Even if the gas mileage increase you see on your vehicle is in the middle of the above average, about 40%, you’ll get about 400 more miles from each full tank of gas, which is an average cost savings of 45% made out of fuel.

To avoid arguments, let’s say gas costs $4.00 per gallon, which can add up to approximately $36.00 in savings each time you fill up. We can conclude that you are likely to refuel at least once a week, that could be a savings of $150 a month! These savings add up to quite a bit of money after a year and a small fortune after a few years. Wouldn’t you say?

So the state of your economy looks bleak right now, it’s not likely to be rosy for you and your family. Isn’t it time we all do what we can to alleviate the financial situation we may end up in if we don’t act now?

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