Symptoms of brain tumors mirror symptoms of menopause

I miss you and you haven’t left my friend why do you have to go? You will stay forever in my heart. What can I say other than that I love you. The joy I feel is in the blessings you brought to me and my family by being a great friend. Always there to jump to my aid, never asking for much in return. My friend who is always up for a good time, taking everyone around her for a walk. Our good times are the bad. You must know deep in your heart that I love you and if I could fix it, I would. I am scared, angry and confused. Because you? Because right now? My friend, I miss you already and you haven’t left. I know you’re fighting to stay and I love that…I wouldn’t have done it any other way. I have your back and a shoulder to rest on. Let me wipe away your tears, as we laugh through the day. you are my friend I love youI wrote this for you, Lee Ann my friend, I hope you’ll listen, I wrote it from my heart.

Diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor, my closest friend may not have long to learn who I am. I’m a fixer, and there’s nothing I can do to make it better. The questions I have might help me understand how this could have happened and how quickly it has affected everyone in our close circle of love.

These are my questions about brain tumors:

  • What are brain tumors?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • What’s next when it comes to brain cancer?
  • How long?
  • How could we have missed them?

This is what I found:

A brain tumor is an abnormal cell mass growing in or on the brain. They are primary tumors (tumor that begins in the brain) or metastatic tumors (form from cancer that is already in the body and travels to the brain). Some are cancer and some are not. 194,000 Americans are diagnosed with some type of brain tumor each year. 44,000 are primary tumors. Many are not diagnosed until they become life threatening.

Symptoms are sometimes overlooked, headaches may come and go, appetite may decrease, temporary memory loss, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, hot flashes and sweats, fatigue, insomnia, and depression. The most common are headaches and seizures. The location of the brain where the tumor develops can cause different symptoms. This site gives you the symptoms of the area where the tumor is located. Very helpful in empowering you with an understanding of what to do next and how to deal with this chapter in your life.

Many of the symptoms my friend has are the same as menstruation or menopause in women. Having symptoms that come and go may not raise any red flags. Many people are not diagnosed until found by accident or, like my friend, whose symptoms mirror the symptoms of menopause. When she finally couldn’t stop her family from telling her, it’s time to find out what’s going on with her health. A trip to the doctors didn’t help, they even missed the red flags and she ruled it out due to the clarity of her mind and how she was able to articulate how she felt when she would visit him. She is at the age where most women go through the change. Her daughter forced her to go to the ER and after a tomography she was diagnosed.

the treatments They are different for each type of tumor. Your age and physical condition may affect the type of treatment recommended. When diagnosed, you may want a second opinion and it is recommended for anyone who may be going through denial or seeking treatment at other facilities. A neurologist does not have to see you to give you a choice or help you with your treatments. Insurance is a big determining factor in health care and you may need to get a second opinion before starting treatment. Be sure to ask any questions you have about the best, the worst, and everything from what’s next to how to cope with this diagnosis.

The steps are MRI, brain biopsy and treatment. Surgery may be recommended along with chemotherapy and radiation. Each treatment is personalized for each person.

I hope it’s not so bad. It’s bad and I’m having a really hard time dealing with the diagnosis. So I started looking up everything I could about brain tumors and I am amazed and still full of hope. Doctors who deal with patients every day are ready to answer all questions. Doctors are direct and want to work with anyone seeking treatment. Our doctors are there to advise us and help us make decisions about how to proceed.

Time it’s the one thing we can’t get more of to make the most of it. Doctors who work with brain tumor patients try to give you the best opportunity for quality time. Treatments are improving allowing you to recover faster.

Ask anything and write down or record the answers so that you are fully aware of the choices you have to make. Denial, depression, anger, forgetfulness, and feelings of loss are common for people with a brain tumor or their close friends and family.

Questions you and your family may have.

  • What are the effects of a brain tumor?
  • What causes a brain tumor?
  • How fast do they develop?
  • How can I fight this?
  • Is it worth the fight?

You can find the symptoms simply by going to the American Brain Tumor Association ( while you’re there, you can also learn about treatments.

I love my friend and I want her in the last few months or years to be well informed about treatments and side effects. Have quality of life free of pain and that will bring you joy. I’m here for her family and I wish I lived closer to her so I could help her in her fight, yes, her fight to make up what time she has left. To ease her mind that she is truly loved and to wrap my arms around her again because she is one of my favorite people, I love her.

If the Lord had not been my help, I would soon have remained silent. When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving kindness, O Lord, sustained me. In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Your consolations rejoice and delight my soul! PSALM 94: 17-19

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