How to write a damage control press release

The public relations department is solely responsible for establishing and maintaining the company’s reputation and ensuring that crisis situations are dealt with quickly and tactfully when they occur.

Whether the crisis is completely unexpected and happens out of the blue, or whether it’s a crisis that the company knew about in advance but hoped would never come to light, that’s what the company’s public relations department writes. In their damage control press release they ultimately decide the fate of the company’s future with its customers.

The press release is the main tool in any PR department’s damage control management kit that can be used for the sole purpose of turning the hell out of a company completely. This is all well and good for large companies that have the money to afford a good public relations department, but what about smaller companies? Some may enlist the help of a PR firm in the form of a consultation, but if that too is an unaffordable option, they may have to write one themselves.

So how do companies write an effective damage control press release? Here are some guidelines on what to include.

1 – State the facts and tell the truth

The press release should provide the public and the press with key facts about the crisis, in response to what is already in the press or about to be published. Denials and fabrications of the truth must be avoided at all costs. as this could have serious implications. Be careful if there is a possibility of a possible lawsuit as a result of the crisis, or even because this could irrevocably damage the company’s reputation if the truth comes out at a later date.

2 – Take responsibility

Whatever the situation, if the company is responsible for what happened, then it is critical that they take responsibility for their actions. Even if the crisis is the result of the actions of an individual employee, the company still has to take responsibility so that the public does not think that the company is simply using the scapegoat or ignoring the problem to keep the brand image squeaky clean.

Not taking responsibility is more likely to further weaken public opinion about the company.

3 – Express concern and act

The type of language used is of paramount importance. The company needs to express empathy and concern at the appropriate level so that its clients, the public and the press understand that the company apologizes and cares about its clients and not only about the negative impact that the crisis is having on its business.

The company needs to explain what appropriate action it is taking to bring the crisis to a successful conclusion. If the crisis is one that has resulted in health and safety issues or has an environmental impact, then the public must be assured of their immediate and future safety. Depending on the nature of the crisis, the company should also mention any compensatory measures it is taking or has implemented.

At the end of damage Control Press Release, The company should include positive details about its business to remind its loyal customers why they choose to do business with them. The company should also include details about what they have learned from this bad experience and what future proofing steps they are taking or have already implemented to ensure that a crisis of this nature never happens again.

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