Dirty money and religious compliance?

It is everywhere and in every life because money rules the world. It is at the heart of the World Order and started out of a desperate need for power and control. It continues down the same path where those who seek more than others get caught up in a web of deceit that stalks all that is above them. So who is to blame and why is religion your best friend?

Like everything that threatens life on earth, money was meant to create giants. It was done under the guidance and direction of the Great Creator. Although seemingly contradictory, one must consider how the world changed because of it and that there is no other conclusion.

Early hominids may seem like little more than animals, only by a quirk of nature did we emerge as a superior species. However, there is more, since it was God’s will?

Evolution shows that homo sapiens existed 400,000 to 600,000 years ago, which is debatable as evidence to the contrary may yet turn up. The earliest evidence of a larynx was found in the skull of a child from that time.

With sophisticated communication available to them, the path to destruction was at stake. Ideas were shared and work was done to improve circumstances. Thoughts quickly changed lifestyles to further separate humans from other animals.

Over billions of years, the earth went from being an uninhabitable planet to one that supports life. When humans emerged, it was a world of beauty shared with other species.

By the time man’s thought produced the written word, much was already in place. Among the goods was the golden calf, the forerunner of money. The Old Testament claims that worship of him so angered God that the stone on which the 10 commandments were written shattered.

Whether true or not, the cult of wealth, in the form of gold, is the pillar of the World Order. It gained importance through the color of the sun. The kings as ‘suns’ of the sun and the ‘son’ of God gained their power by that deception.

Constantine, Emperor of Rome, who established the Catholic Church in AD 325 to unify the nations he ruled over is the Second Beast. He introduced the financial system whereby money creates power and wealth. His religion continues to control the World Order as he pardons criminals and creates poverty.

It’s called 666.”and that no one could buy or sell, except he that had the mark of the beast, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:12-18

Only the Spirit, the Great Creator, could predict what is happening. Everything fits into a plan to end the world as we know it. God determined that the thieves would prevail to complete their destruction and the disappearance of all life.

Thieves’ shops prosper, and those who provoke God are secure; into whose hands God abundantly brings.Job 12:6

Following my reincarnation and with a link with the Spirit and therefore with the true God, my goal was to search for the truth and the reason why thieves prosper. Research shows that it is the two beasts, the sun, responsible for the value of gold, and Constantine, whose religion imposes it, that override the Spirit.

Those so focused on creating wealth take from the earth everything that turns into money. It is destroying the world and all life. It was foretold thousands of years ago, proving that it is God’s will, and humans are powerless to stop it.

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