Choosing an Extraordinary World History Homeschool Curriculum

Extraordinary World History Homeschool Curriculum

A world history homeschool curriculum that keeps learning interesting, engaging and memorable. Your students will dive into historical maps, appreciate great artists and their work through the Art Gallery Notebook, write narrations and create a beautiful full-color Journal that becomes their own special portfolio. They will also read original documents, reflect upon their own faith, debate and participate in “mock trials” and much more. Complete the entire course, and your teen will earn one year of high school credit for World History, English, and Bible.

The Story of the world history high school homeschool curriculum is a beloved favorite of many families, especially those who follow the classical method of homeschooling. This is because it presents history in a conversational style rather than a dry textbook. It uses stories and fables to teach facts, dates, events and locations in an engaging manner that can really hook kids into otherwise boring subjects. The curriculum is available in four volumes that each take about a year to complete, starting with ancient times. Each volume also comes with a robust Activity Book that includes games and history lapbooks for additional reinforcement and extra fun.

This type of supplemental history materials can be particularly helpful for younger children, especially those who are new to the subject matter or struggle with understanding the content. It can also help your older children to develop a deeper appreciation of the past and see how the events of the past may have affected the world we live in today.

Choosing an Extraordinary World History Homeschool Curriculum

Another option for a great secular world history homeschool curriculum is Moving Beyond the Page. This is a unit-based curriculum that comes with everything you need for the entire year for grades 7-9. While it is not a complete world history curriculum, it can be used alongside other resources and curriculums, including the Story of the World books mentioned above.

While secular options for a world history homeschool curriculum may be less expensive, they tend to lack a lot of extra educational activities and hands-on opportunities that can make history come alive for your kids. They may also be missing some of the philosophies and viewpoints that have been influential throughout history. This can be a challenge for those seeking to teach their children from a Christian perspective or who wish to avoid religious materials that are often found in non-religious world history curriculums.

A great way to find a secular world history homeschool curriculum that is a good fit for your family is to start by reading through reviews and looking at sample chapters. Then, choose a few of these resources that look promising and go from there. You might be surprised at how much your child enjoys learning about the past with a more interactive and engaging approach! The key is finding a curriculum that will be a good fit for your family and then using it to its full potential. Have fun and happy studying!

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