5 ways to improve your company networks with Twitter

Twitter is a great tool that can help you develop your business online. It has real-time communication capabilities that make it too good to ignore.

In the world of Twitter, you will come across people with different skill and communication levels. That is why it is very important that you connect with the people you want to associate with and you need to find a way to establish a relationship with these people. Twitter can help you with that.

Read on and let’s find out some ways how we can network using Twitter.

Let people know what you want to talk about

The first facet of tweeting to focus on is showing people what interests you.

This can be done through your bio (by placing information that will help tell your visitors what interests you) and through the content of your tweets. You can also share your conversations using hash tags in your tweets. You can also customize your Twitter lists to show who’s important.

This is the most important facet of tweeting and taking the time and focus on your profile and tweeting will help reflect what your interests are and this will help attract the people you want to interact with.

shoot someone

A lot of Twitter newbies don’t know where to start in terms of connection; you can greet someone in your network to start a conversation. You can mention them for #FollowFriday by saying something nice about the person. Always include your Twitter ID. An alternative is to publicly mention how you appreciate that person.

Show people you listen to them

When you show people that you actually listen to their conversations, they will in turn take an interest in you and eventually become your followers. A great way to show that you’re listening to people is to provide links to their conversations. Your conversations can be anything from the personal (birthdays, anniversaries) to the more intellectually charged, like LinkedIn questions or business blog posts.

Tweet with content to start conversations

Once you already have someone following you or in your network, it’s time to start a real conversation. The best way to do this is by asking provocative questions.

Introduce people to other people within your network

This is a great way to help other people increase their associations. As you progress with Twitter, you’ll meet more and more people who share similar interests as you. Introduce them to other members of your network. They will pay more attention to you and eventually do the same for you.

So there you have it. 5 ways that can help you get more connections for your business through Twitter. If you want to make the connection more personal, take it a step further by calling that person via chat or Skype. It’s always a good step up for something new.

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