Top 13 facts about facial hair

With the exception of very few men on the planet, most have facial hair, but what do you really know about it? Below are thirteen facts about facial hair that you probably didn’t already know.

1. The longest beard ever measured belonged to a Norwegian man, it was 5.3 meters long. This was in 1927 and the man is no longer with us, the longest living beard belongs to a man in England and currently measures 2.4 meters.

2. Have you ever wondered how long you could grow your facial hair if you put your mind to it? Well wonder no more, you might be surprised to learn that it would grow to thirty feet if you never shaved in your entire life.

3. Beard growth actually has its own name; if you are growing your facial hair then you are practicing Pogonotrophy.

4. Facial hair has its own association. The World Beard and Mustache Association exists for the purpose of promoting the growth of beards and mustaches. There is even an annual championship.

5. Abraham Lincoln’s famous beard came about because he received a letter from a girl who suggested he would look better with one.

6. And it’s not just men who get involved; Surprisingly, the longest female beard is 30 cm!

7. The average number of hairs on a man’s face is 30,000 and he will spend an average of 3,350 hours shaving throughout his life.

8. In the ZZTOPS group the only member who did not have a beard was the man with the last name ‘beard’.

9. Alexander the Great was one of the first men to make a close shave a popular look. He ordered all of his army to keep clean shaven and would force them to shave regularly.

10. Your facial hair will grow faster if you don’t have sex. Strangely, if you avoid sex for a long period of time, your facial hair grows faster. Hair is thought to have been a sign of virility in the past, so your body reacts to try to attract the opposite sex.

11. Shaving regularly doesn’t make your facial hair grow faster, this is a complete myth.

12. The only king without a mustache in a deck of cards is the king of hearts. This is because the other suites are linked to corruption, wealth and war.

13. The average mustache will catch a pint and a half of beer each year. It’s a small price to pay for showing off your mustaches.

So there you have it, thirteen facts you probably didn’t know about facial hair! Feel free to include them in the daily conversation.

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