Tips on setting and achieving goals for the new year

Knowing how to set a goal is an important life skill, let alone when it comes to losing weight. Setting the goal can be exciting as you dream of what life will be like when you get there. And of course achieving that goal is where the fun and satisfaction really comes in.

Here are some ideas to consider that will help you not only set your goals, but REACH THEM!

Choose your goal: A big problem is that people often start with a random and general idea of ​​what they want to do. For example, “I want to get in shape”, not specific enough to have any value or power. However, saying “I want to get in shape by losing 15 pounds and running my first 5k” is perfect.

So it helps to have a goal that you can identify with. This could mean somewhere you’ve been before, or some way you’ve felt before. Just be reasonable with this, like “I felt good when I was a size 6” instead of “I want to look like I did when I was 17!”

What is needed to reach your goal? Next, create a game plan that will get you toward your new goal. How does it look? Maybe consider running three times a week, resistance training twice a week, and planning a healthy meal schedule to start.

You’ll also find it helpful to break down a larger goal into smaller, more achievable (and less intimidating) accomplishments. Take “lose 15 pounds” and break it down into losing 1.5 pounds each week until you reach your goal. A 5k is about three miles, so start by running one mile without stopping. Then a mile in less than ten minutes. Then two miles, etc.

Commit to your goal: Many people fail because they say they want something, but never lift a finger to do it! It only makes sense to follow up your statement with some action, if you really want to!

When it comes to actually achieving your goals, writing them down isn’t enough, it’s just the beginning. People who don’t achieve goals often tend to procrastinate, procrastinate, and find lots of reasons or excuses for not doing it. Setting goals is not just about setting the right goals. It’s a process that involves more than just writing down your goals. The critical success factor in goal setting is taking action.

Lean on your goal: Remember last year how quickly you completely forgot about your New Year’s resolutions until you were somehow reminded of it many months later and you said, “Oh yeah, wasn’t I going to do that? Oh well…” What good is setting a goal if you just forget about it?

Here are some things that support you in your new goal:

  • First, visualize it until you can see it happen with crystal clarity in your mind’s eye. Really do this because it works: Image that helps you visualize your new goal and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day.
  • Then write yourself reminder notes as well. I made this when I was getting ready to compete on Fitness Model America, and it really helps to constantly remind yourself of your new goals. You have to keep it in your mind with visualization.
  • Accountability is a great support in goal setting! Remember in college when you were under pressure to turn in a paper on time? That was responsibility! When you have someone checking on you regularly, you will always perform better.

Redirect your target: What to do when your goals don’t work? When this happens, look at the situation with objectivity and perspective, and don’t beat yourself up about it. That never helps at all! Consider the reasons for the results. Were you lazy or did you really chase it and found out it was unreasonable? Perhaps all you need to do is make a few minor adjustments and you’ll be back on track.

Good luck this new year!

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August 3, 2022