The silver lining: The coronavirus is not a death sentence

I’ve been pondering an article of this nature for weeks, but my muse was slow to deliver. A feedback message that a flyer posted on my whatsapp status worked. To the message on the flyer that says “you can RECOVER from the coronavirus disease. Catching it DOES NOT MEAN you will have it for life,” he replied “thanks for sharing; at least you are giving us positive energy.”

And there it goes, the urge to write came. The fact is that COVID-19 is a terrible disease with great potential to kill any victim. Therefore, it is important that we remain careful and vigilant; take instructions such as hand washing and physical distancing to heart and do all you can to help in this global fight against this deadly disease.

Having said that, we must never lose hope in the heat of this pandemic. The human body is a complex machine built by the Creator to meet many challenges. Our misery lies in our lack of wisdom. With knowledge comes ease, understanding, and resilience to challenges. In fact, the Bible is right, as clearly stated in the Old Testament, Hosea, 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

We live in dark and blissful times. But a combination of Scripture and authentic scientific knowledge will give us the perfect torchlight to break through the veils of darkness that are the barrier to solving the problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The multitudinous problems posed by this pandemic range from the physical-medical aspect to the psychological challenges derived from our lonely days of confinement; These problems are compounded by economic issues arising from the global recession and also by spiritual constraints as our places of worship remain largely closed.

But there are rays of hope on the horizon and we must focus on the stars even as we trudge through the murky waters of this COVID-19 desert.

In the Holy Quran, Allah teaches us that he has created the human being in a very solid and magnificent way. Verse 4 of Surah Tin (chapter 95) states: “Verily We have created man in the best stature”;

So why are we overcome with fear as the COVID-related infodemic is now creating its own threat to our lives? The #Coronavirus has the POTENTIAL to kill anyone infected with it; but that death is not automatic because the conditions are remediable and many people are recovering from the disease. In his Mercy and Wisdom, God has given us biological soldiers to protect us, called the immune system. This protective force does not eliminate the need to take precautions and be careful, but it is a much-needed security in these dark days in which we live.

In an article published by the Washington Post, George F. Will reminds us, “It is estimated that every day between one and five of your cells turn cancerous and are killed by your immune system: ‘A couple of dozen times a week, plus “Thousand times a year, you contract the most feared disease of our era, and each time your body saves you. ‘…”three billion years of evolutionary tweaking” has taught your body some nifty tricks.”

So there is hope despite the gloom that surrounds our globe.

In the meantime, I woke up to some inspiring words from the author of “Monk Who Sold his Ferrari” and other bestsellers, Robin Sharma, which led me to some brilliant thoughts shared with my followers on social media through our Sabally Leadership platform. Academy (SLA). ) Facebook group:

“How we face challenges can determine our success.”

The lockdown and social distancing caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic have also offered us the opportunity to think and study deeply.

Use this period to #read good books, develop your business and scholarship ideas; and get ready for the next big #opening.

All adversity carries with it the seeds of its equivalent blessing so open a window of positivity in your soul in these days of fear and loneliness…

In the words of Robin Sharma, “This season of enforced quiet offers you an incredible opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle and become a true hero.”

Truly, solitude and stillness constitute the fertile ground for the illumination of the mind and spirit and the germination of fertile and fecund ideas. Both Jesus Christ and Moses (peace be upon them) spent a lot of time alone in the desert. The Last and Last Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was in the midst of self-imposed isolation and deep reflection when the light of the Qur’an descended on him to illuminate the entire world. And from that tome of light, he shares below some bright rays of hope:

By the morning glow.

Y [by] the night when it is covered in darkness,

Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has he been displeased,

And surely what comes after is better for you than what has gone before.

Your Lord will soon grant you enough favors to please you.

-Quran, 93:1-5

We must remain careful and vigilant, but we must never lose sight of the rays of hope behind the dark clouds of COVID-19 stormy weather.

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