Rhythmic Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for Menopausal Women

You may be a woman age 45 or older and experience the following symptoms of hormonal imbalance. If so, then she’ll probably want to consider something that’s gaining popularity called rhythmic bioidentical hormone replacement.

The following are symptoms of hormonal imbalance so you can see if you have: Anxiety, allergies, brain fog, weight gain, depression, dizziness, endometriosis, dry skin, fibrocystic breasts, hair loss, headaches, decreased libido, osteoporosis, or urinary tract infections. These are the typical symptoms associated with menopause and hormonal imbalances, and are mainly caused by the wrong relationship between your body’s progesterone and estrogen levels.

Here’s how it works… The two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, coexist in a very delicate balance, and any variation in that balance can have an effect on your health. The amounts of these hormones that a woman’s body produces each month can vary, depending on factors such as age, nutrition, stress, exercise, or ovulation or lack thereof.

Our hormones start to decline after perimenopause, when your hormones return you to the same range that a girl was in when she was younger, that time between adrenarchy and puberty. As a woman’s estrogen levels fall back into the same range, she may still have some regular periods, or periods that come at fairly regular intervals throughout the year, but the reality is that she probably already has. you are not ovulating. She can no longer get pregnant.

These perimenopausal periods are like the ones a girl experienced when her reproductive engine was maturing as a teenager. At that time, her adrenal glands were trying to fire up her brain to activate her ovaries, and once the ovaries were activated, she had enough estrogen generated by a basketful of eggs.

Some twenty years later, once a woman is in her middle age, she has enough estrogen to make a really thin lining in her uterus, but not enough to peak. During perimenopause, her periods shorten and this is when her breasts appear more lumpy and her mind often becomes hazy. If a woman does not peak estrogen regularly, she is in perimenopause. It is the loss of this rhythm during perimenopause that triggers the destruction of her eggs. It is the action of excess FSH, depleting the rest of her ovules. It is at this point, when she will start having hot flashes, because that is how her system shuts down forever. she can take up to ten years to go through the whole process before going through menopause.

Clinically, menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years, and this usually occurs naturally around age 52 when her ovaries stop producing estrogen and there are no more fertile eggs. Likewise, the clinical diagnosis of menopause is to find an FSH score greater than five in the blood test.

Today, a woman can stop the aging process and not experience the symptoms of hormone imbalance and menopause with hormone replacement. But she can only try to fool nature by covering up the fact that she is missing eggs if the hormones are replaced exactly as they would be generated in youth, in exactly the amounts and at exactly the rate that they would occur when she was younger. This is the premise behind rhythmic bioidentical hormone therapy. It is not a static dosage, but dosed at a rate with varying amounts of estrogen and progesterone throughout the month. Women who use this rhythmic cycle will also get their periods again, just like when they were in their prime.

Women taking rhythmic bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are raving about how great they now feel. No more sleep deprivation due to insomnia and hormone related hot flashes. No more brain fig or depression. Your skin looks smooth, supple and youthful. And more often than not, women who had experienced the terrible symptoms of menopause now say they got their lives back.

Rhythmic bioidentical hormones might really be the real “fountain of youth.”

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