Monster Lobsters – How to Find Them?

Always start with the safety school of thought first and plan your dive well in advance. So stick to your plan. The monster lobster has a plan to stay safe and so should you. Check your equipment and local dive shops for diving conditions.

Occasionally you can dive into a monster lobster in a good visibility situation, but more often you will catch these monsters in very low visibility. Check the areas with deep crevices and ledges to hide. Usually around 10 to 30 feet, but these 10 to 30 feet have low to none visibility with high tidal waves and currents.

I have found monster lobsters under ledges with sleeping nurse sharks. The biggest one I came across had 0-5 foot vision, in medium swell, in a depth of 25 feet and an offshore swim of about 175 yards. The tools needed are your hands, a bag, a tickling stick, and an extra pair of hands.

When you come across a lobster hiding in a hole, if you can’t get your hand inside, stick the tickle stick under its tail and tickle it. It will start moving forward and then once you catch it, hold on. They tend to get angry and hit you with their tails. Be gentle but firm so as not to break the legs, these are the sweet meats.

Lobsters live in rocky areas and artificial reefs where there is an ample supply of food and an easy path to deeper water for upcoming storms. They choose low visibility areas to avoid predators’ sight and prefer deep holes and deeper ledges.

The spiny lobster varies from the Maine lobster and is quite different. They seem tougher, faster, and smarter. Maybe it is due to the temperature of the water that keeps them jumping. The biggest similarity is that they both taste good.

Diving in the areas where the Spiny Lobster monster lives is not for the novice diver. Typically involves a shore dive with limited or no visibility, light to strong surf, and rocky and natural ledges and outcroppings.

If you don’t mind sharks in Sebastian Inlet, rough surf, and strong currents, the most famous site is Monster Hole. Many divers have bagged the big ones here. Wabasso Beach in Vero Beach will bring fewer sharks and much less current. If you take time here, you can bring home a monster.

The spiny monster lobster lives all along the coast of Florida and the Caribbean. There is a limited season to dive these beauties. From April 1 to August 5, except Sports Season which is the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday of July of each year. Sports season is special because you can pack more than the usual daily limit of six per person per day, but it can vary from year to year.

Monster Lobster is an adventure to find. Enjoy the dive, stay with your buddy, do a planned dive and follow your plan. Take home your own monster lobster.

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