Migraine Relief: Essential Oils and Application Methods for Best Results

A synergistic blend of essential oils can be more effective in getting the results you want than any single essential oil. Key pure essential oils that I recommend you use in a migraine relief blend include:

Incense, Cypress, Mint and Lavender

LAVENDER (Lavendula augustifolia): a universal healing first aid oil. Lavender has a very intense aroma and a distinctly sweet floral spice scent that is a bit wild and woody.

Lavender is helpful in relieving headaches, especially sinus pain or those related to congestion and poor circulation.

Lavender’s actions include: Analgesic (pain reliever), Antispasmodic (calms nerve and muscle spasms, tension, pain, and indigestion), Restorative (helps strengthen and revive body systems), Sedative (calming, calming, with calming effect on the body, good for nervous tension, stress, insomnia, anxiety and palpitations) and Relaxing (which causes relaxation, relieves tension or tension).

FRANKINCENSE (Boswelia fereana) – A powerful and tempting woody scent that glows sweetly with freshness and a hint of spice. Frankincense was traditionally used as an anointing oil, as it was thought to possess miraculous powers to cure almost every imaginable disease.

Frankincense slows and deepens cellular respiration and has the characteristic effect of comforting and focusing you in times of distress. Very supportive and comforting oil.

PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita) – Peppermint is a fluid, colorless oil with a distinctly pungent aroma. Peppermint acts as a regulator and has a relaxing or toning effect depending on the circumstance for which you are using it.

Research has shown peppermint to be effective in relieving migraine headaches! It is also useful for tension headaches when they are the result of weak or poor digestive forces, congestion, or slow circulation. An excellent liver tonic!

CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) – Cypress oil has a fresh, clean and distinctive woody scent that is light and clear with a hint of spice and is reminiscent of pine and juniper berry. Cypress oil stimulates blood circulation and is restorative and calming.

The powerful astringent properties of cypress oil make it effective for strengthening and toning the cardiovascular and nervous systems and for relieving tension that lingers deep within the body.

Cypress oil is the most widely used essential oil to strengthen and support the healthy functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Its astringent action makes it effective for conditions associated with congestion of lymph or blood circulation, such as migraine.


Both methods of application are effective in relieving migraine headaches. Research shows that essential oils will stay in the bloodstream for up to 4-6 hours.

METHOD 1: Dispense 15 drops of your Synergistic Migraine Relief Blend into a 1-ounce bottle of carrier oil, shake well, and allow to synergize for 24 hours, longer if time permits.

Dispense 1-3 drops of this synergistic, dilute migraine relief blend, inhale, and apply to sinus points, chest, upper back, and abdominal areas. The oils will enter through the neurovascular points located in these areas to effectively trigger your relaxation response for allergy relief.

METHOD 2: Direct Inhalation – Dispense 1-3 drops of your pure essential oil blend onto a cotton ball. Breathe in your fumes for 30-60 seconds. Breathe in slowly and briefly pause your inhaled breath. Then breathe out slowly, releasing any tension. Repeat this slow, rhythmic breathing five more times.

Aromatic oils stimulate olfactory nerves that send a signal to neuroreceptors in your brain, triggering numerous electrochemical responses to promote balance in your nervous system and help relieve migraine headaches.

Migraine headaches can be a sign of dehydration. Water plays an extremely important role in your diet and bodily functions. Many parts of the brain get much of their energy from water. Water must be absorbed by the body in its pure and natural state; optimally drink half your body weight in ounces per day.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but they are not recommended for therapeutic use. For the best results, buy the highest quality oils you can find. Use certified organic essential oils or oils that have been tested and do not contain pesticides.

Holistic Mind and Body Therapy, which includes pure essential oils, are gentle, non-invasive complementary forms of health care to balance and synchronize your body, mind and spirit and a natural, safe and effective way to improve your health and well-being. . Alternative medical care can produce satisfactory results where other methods have failed. Check with your doctor about serious health problems and don’t try to self-diagnose.

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