Live your ultimate life! 5 behaviors to guarantee your best daily results!

You have the potential to live an absolutely phenomenal life.

A life in which you can determine the standards of your lifestyle, the quality of your results, and the abundance you receive.

A wrong sense of reality…
You are not experiencing these phenomenal impacts because right now you may be in a situation where you are so strongly conditioned that you are resigned to the mistaken belief that everything happens to you, that’s life… and you have to accept it.

This is an unfortunate mentality that many people have! A mentality that makes them give up control of their best assets and exposes them to a false sense of destiny.

I urge you not to fall into this same debilitating way of life!

Understand that this definitely does not have to be the case for you. In fact, it shouldn’t! You have been endowed with phenomenal gifts at your creation, which allow you to take a significant amount of control over your direction in life and your circumstances. This problem arises when, as an individual, you do not develop these gifts or do not give them the opportunity to express themselves with meaningful intent.

Set your expectations!

You are a tuned instrument; your creation is perfection in motion… what you need to understand is how it all comes together. We won’t have time to go into full details in this article, but I want to focus specifically on your mindset, your expectations, and how these attract corresponding results.

I encourage you to begin concentrating on your invisible spiritual attributes, as this is where you have the most control. This is the part of your creation where your results begin. Everything you have or experience in the physical is the ‘second version’ of an idea, thought or expectation.

When an idea occurs to you and you become emotionally involved with that idea, you begin to move into the corresponding frequency of that thought or idea and this vibration harmonizes with everything on the same frequency.

You are effectively a ‘radio dial’ tuning to the station you want to listen to.

The key thing is that, for the most part, your ‘radio dialer’ is set to an automatic frequency and everything on that frequency moves in your life as physical and non-physical outcomes…even if you don’t like them.

Your vibes… your environment Determine your environment.

This is why you need to start prioritizing your thoughts and expectations.

Don’t leave change to chance!

As you reflect on the above, I want you to be encouraged to know that change is possible…and you have control over how to change your life!

You now have the beginning of a changed consciousness and a new understanding. To make meaningful and lasting change, you must start doing things in a way that is contrary to how you have been acting up to this point.

You are currently looking at your life, your work, your current results and letting these visible aspects determine what you think you can do.

  • From a financial standpoint, you look at your income, your mortgage, your credit card limit, and immediately place a constraint on your financial potential or capacity.

  • You perceive the number of hours in a day, your commitments, your relationships and then you confirm your limited capacity to use time.

  • There are also many other perceptions based on your current results or lifestyle that limit how you allow yourself to set goals or manage your expectations.

In order to change, you must focus on picking yourself up and rising to a higher and more worthwhile level of existence… this can only be done by determining what frequency you want to “dial in” and then working towards it! You need to start thinking in a very specific and confident way that focuses only on the good and abundant and that the goals and desires that you have set for yourself are fulfilled for sure, they are guaranteed and there is nothing to stop them. of becoming. The complementary mentality that you must entrench yourself in is to completely close your mind to any influence or contrary opinion that tells you that you cannot achieve what you have set out to do. Protect yourself against these influences.

Keep in mind that these actions are not just to readjust your thoughts and beliefs so that you “just accept” your results with a blind focus to simply be satisfied. What we strive to achieve is meaningful change that significantly engages your creative faculties and sets new expectations that you know will accelerate your growth!

5 behaviors you can adopt today to guarantee you the best daily resultand:

  1. Gratitude: being thankful for everything… regardless of appearances. Developing a deeper sense of gratitude allows you to experience the perception that everything is contributing to your well-being and that all situations are there to create an environment for your success.

  2. Decision: Deciding what you want and sticking with that decision sets an internal tone of your mind to your Paradigm that begins to move in the direction of that decision.

  3. Imagination: This wonderful creative faculty is your designer adding layers of detail and color to your future world.

  4. Believe: knowing that what is going to happen will happen for your final growth.

  5. Waiting: the tape that holds it all together… waiting for what we want is much better than waiting for what we don’t want! Any of the two happens… you choose which one!

All of the above behaviors working in harmony and in an upward spiral of synergy bring you to ever higher levels of vibration…vibrations that are on the same frequency as the life you want.

Get your “vibe tight” and enjoy the abundance that follows.

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