How about a book on proper diet with a Christian motif?

Are you an overweight Christian? If so, don’t despair, I’m pretty sure you’re not alone. All that extra weight you carry prevents you from doing everything you can, and you need to get rid of those extra pounds to continue living your life according to God’s plan. Therefore, I would like to recommend you a very good diet book, one that understands the Christian soul and helps the reader to overcome the hard work of losing weight. The name of the book is:

“The Manufacturer’s Diet: The 40-Day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever,” by Jordan S. Rubin NMD, PhD., Siloam Publishers, Lake Mary Florida, 2004, 304 pages, ISBN: 0-88419-948 -7 .

This book is like a series of sermons, with biblical quotations, mostly from the King James Version of the Bible. This is a true step-by-step guide, perfect for the Christian soul, that allows someone who has accepted Jesus Christ as his savior to help him overcome the difficult problems of changing habits and eating behavior, and also allows him to find the strength external when nothing else. he has worked

Since the author is not only a registered nutritionist, but also a physician with a Ph.D., he also examines why so many crash diets are unhealthy and lead to disease due to lack of proper nutrient intake while reducing the food supply. He starts the book by discussing how to boost the immune system as a first and most important step, and also get rid of the belly bulge due to inflammation. That needs to happen first, to see where you are with the fat cells.

He then shields the reader from issues like anorexia so everyone realizes the reality between proper weight, body fat, and height: It matters and explains why. In this book he shows that no diet will be successful without exercise, as he thus tells the reader that God had designed the body from the beginning with the proverbial Adam and Eve. By improving physical performance, increasing energy from exercise, and looking better, it helps the reader find God and take the next step.

That would be eating right, healthy, and reducing stress by finding God and bringing Him deeper into your heart, body, mind, and soul. What many don’t understand is the importance of digestion, which is why he spends many pages explaining all of that as well. Jordan, the author, is quite famous for his books and TV appearances on diet issues, practically a TV evangelist in that sense. He has also been published in numerous medical nutrition journals. Much of his research is explained in detail in this book, in very easy and simple terms to understand.

This book was very good and I would recommend it to any of my Christian friends, in fact I am currently thinking of someone I could give it to. Please consider all this and think about it.

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