Getting organized is very ecological

There are many things you can do when organizing and ordering to “go green” and help our planet as well. I have compiled a list of things that you can easily do and incorporate into your daily routine …

1. Donate – This is a very thoughtful way of ordering and giving longevity to the life cycle of “things”. When you donate, you are truly helping the planet and humanity.

2. Reduce size – Moving to a smaller carbon footprint is, of course, great for Mother Earth. How much space do we all have Really need?

3. Minimize – Keep items in your home to a minimum and you will reduce global production, fuel use, and packaging explosion. You will also be amazed at how visually appealing it is. They will also be easier to find, use, keep cleaner, and return them to their proper places.

4. Reuse / recycling – Before throwing something away, ask yourself: “Can I reuse this in some way?” For example, maybe you can take a filing cabinet that you no longer use and turn it into an office supply storage system. Or repeat that school desk Grandpa used to have in second grade and use it as a beautiful side table.

5. Reuse / Use again – Let’s reeducate our brain disposable to reusable for the health of our landfills. What can you keep reusing and using after once or many times?

6. Sell – When you sell items, instead of throwing away what you no longer love, use or need, you make the buyer happy, the healthier economy and the greener environment.

7. Shopping – Just buy that you need When you need it. This will help the land, your personal organization, and your pocketbook. Also, try buying second-hand items such as consignments, restorations, and real estate sales. Buying what others no longer want is eco-friendly and stylish.

8. SYSTEMS – Did you know that this acronym is “Saving you space, time, energy and money”? Many of our daily household chores can become healthier habits for our environment, such as:

  • Dirty clothes – Perform full loads with cold washes and non-toxic chemicals.
  • Food preparation – Shop local, plan your meals with First In, First Out in mind and compost.
  • Recycling – Take the time to check out your city’s recycling website page and create a recycling center in your kitchen and garage to coincide with city collections.
  • Paper processing – Go digital!

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The myths of the lonely

July 27, 2021