Financing an ethical future

For the sake of social and economic well-being, this article is intended for senior corporate and educational managers. It describes the rationale behind new technologies, a relevant financing model and new development policies for sustainable business administration. These new business innovations are associated with the recent discovery that the previous sorting of junk DNA is impeding healthy growth and development around the world.

The theories within the German book dealing with the reclassification of the non-linearity (fractal logic) of junk DNA, Vernetzte Intelligenz by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf have now been validated. The December 13, 2013 issue of Science announced that scientists have discovered a second code hidden within DNA. Science magazine is the publication of the American Science Association for the Advancement of Science and is one of the most recognized scientific journals in the world.

This second code contains information from fractal logic that changes the way scientists read the instructions contained in DNA and interpret mutations, to make sense of health and disease. Scientists were stunned to discover that genomes use the genetic code to write two separate languages, one language is written on top of the other, which is why the second language remained hidden for so long. The prevailing quantum mechanical logic forbids this concept from being associated with quantum biology. This is because scientists have an incomplete understanding of the energies associated with the operation of the second law of thermodynamics.

The 1937 Nobel Prize in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, translated this misunderstanding as a major obstacle to the application of the first principle of cancer research. The reason why quantum mechanics and its complex offspring cannot deduce the essential principles of the first cause of cancer growth and development can be explained. Quantum mechanics was derived from the assumption that Sir Isaac Newton held that first cause principles explained gravitational forces as belonging to the mass of objects in space. He rejected this concept in his 28th Query Discussions, published in the second edition of his magazine, Opticks. Whether Newton was right or wrong, quantum mechanics was based on a false assumption. Newton’s mechanical description of the universe was completed by his “deepest and most natural philosophy of science.”

The treatise on the linguistic perception of color presented to the Great Darwinian debate in 1877 by Prime Minister William Gladstone, was investigated in conjunction with Wolfgang von Goethe’s theories of color perception. His work anticipated both the newly discovered hidden language of junk DNA and its association with the evolutionary role of stereoscopic color perception theory.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 101 no. 27, 2004, includes the article Binocularity and evolution of the brain in primates, ‘The first paragraph reads:’ Primates are distinguished by highly convergent, frontally directed orbits, which are associated with stereoscopic vision. Although stereoscopic vision requires specialized neural mechanisms, its implications for brain evolution are unknown. ” However, this is no longer the case.

In 2010, Israeli physicist Guy Deutscher published his award-winning book that year, titled Through the Glass of Language: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages. His research pointed to stereoscopic vision as an evolutionary phenomenon. This concept is now central to a crucial new neuroscientific perspective. Artists around the world have been working on this theory of color perception for many years. In 2010, his research was merged with the emerging science of quantum biology by two chemists, winners of the Giorgio Napolitano Medal awarded on behalf of the Republic of Italy for their discoveries in quantum biology.

The optical theories of ethical creativity of Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas in the form of asymmetric electromagnetic lenses in the mind were instrumental in the emergence of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish science. In 2002, Harvard University, the University of Massachusetts, and the Royal Danish Consulate held an international symposium to draw the world’s attention to the social significance of this Golden Age. They noted that since their research had been written primarily in Danish and had not been translated, it had become invisible to English-speaking scholars. Enlightened artists had developed the theories of Kant and Levinas related to the evolution of stereoscopic vision. They found that linguistic theories of color perception could be visibly measured as unconscious activity within the human brain.

The patent document accompanying the asymmetric electromagnetic stereoscopic vision glasses noted that when they were used to view certain paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cezanne, they had unconsciously concealed such images in their work. By looking at the work of art over the centuries from the perspective of the linguistic perception of color, today’s artists were able to trace its evolutionary function. This knowledge can now be related to the recently discovered survival importance of junk DNA.

The justified artistic link between economics, education, and healthy growth and development can be sketched as a function of a model for funding ethical science. Given this, in 1993 the International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Technology LEONARDO published a Model for Self-financing of Ethical Science, derived from theories associated with the linguistic perception of color.

In 2010, Italian artist Robert Denti, represented in national art galleries and museums in Europe, realized that such a model could instigate the 21st century Renaissance. He linked the aforementioned linguistic research of 2010 Giorgio Napolitano Medal recipients with the theory of color perception with stereoscopic vision developed by enlightened artists. He was joined by artists from around the world, including American artist and science writer Iona Miller, and science artist Chris Degendardt in Australia. The Aboriginal Elders of Australia, using traditional color perception techniques, inspired Aboriginal artist Roger Saunders to establish a successful stereoscopic art school for children, recognized by medical scientists conducting junk DNA research. In light of the principle of first cause, the theme contained in this article justifies that exhibitions of stereoscopic art generate public funds for cancer research under the name of 21st Century Renaissance.

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