Far Infrared Saunas Reveal Revolutionary Technology for Healing and Health

Far-infrared saunas are quickly becoming a favorite among regular sauna believers. These new machines use complex technology to heat your body and not the air around you. It emits infrared waves that actually vibrate at the same frequency as your body, allowing the waves to penetrate your body 1.5 to 3 inches deep and warm you from the inside. In theory, this heating will expel sweat and other toxins from the body through the pores. Far-infrared saunas operate nearly 70 degrees cooler than their counterparts and are quickly becoming the ultimate solution for detoxification, weight loss, and more.

The value of these waves really must be considered. There are many proponents in the world of hyperthermia, known as “fever therapy” which involves heating the entire body. These proponents may have an argument because the body releases its own infrared waves, at the same frequency as these far infrared waves, to repair tissue and complete other processes. The benefits of far-infrared saunas are said to include improved circulation, improved endorphin production, improved male sexual drive and function, weight loss, cellulite reduction, detoxification of harmful toxins, and even aid in the fight against cancer.

Keep in mind that all these benefits of sauna bathing are offered at a temperature almost 70 degrees lower than that of a normal sauna. This can create a more relaxing and calming environment as the body does not feel suffocated from the intense heat. Even at the tremendously lower temperature, the far infrared sauna will produce up to 3 times more sweat than a normal sauna with its penetrating power.

Infrared waves are part of natural life. Almost all living things emit these waves and now you can enjoy the benefits of absorbing them. Detoxify your body and wake up with a new energy for life and a healthier lifestyle. Enjoy the benefits of a far infrared sauna today!

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