Don’t think about the golf shot, feel it

One of the hardest things for athletes in any sport is taking what they’re told about ways to achieve something and transferring it to what we call “feel.” We are taught to perform a series of actions to complete a golf swing, and then as we learn that swing, we think our way through it. The game of golf can be more difficult in this regard than, say, a basketball shooter who isn’t given time to think. Sometimes I think golfers would do better if they had a short time limit on their shots.

Many of us who have been playing golf for some time have experienced that sensation of feeling the blow. It usually happens when we start to play well and think about the golf course and let the golf swing take care of itself. That’s when we get into the “zone” and hit the ball better than ever. Then invariably some little thing goes wrong and we start to analyze our swing again. So the question: is there a way we can get into that zone more often and stay there?

The first thing to do is to have a change of attitude. Try not to be too analytical on the course when it comes to your golf swing. Save the analysis for course management when you play, because when you think about properly navigating the course, there really is enough to keep you busy. Try not to even think about the swing when you play the course; Leave the swing analysis to the practice area.

I’ve found two approaches when I’m on the golf course trying to get you to feel the swing. Most people do it when going to the ball. After lining up your shot from behind the ball, move about a foot further from the ball and take your full practice swing. The concentration should be on one thing only: making solid contact with the ball. After completing this, approach the ball and repeat the same swing, adding nothing or taking nothing away and thinking of nothing more than solid contact with the ball.

I use a slightly different approach that does not involve the practice swing. When I line up the shot from behind the ball, I visualize just making solid contact with the ball. I leave all the other stuff like carry, backswing, hip action, and tracking to muscle memory. Most of us have swung a golf club thousands of times, so why need to give it one more reminder? It will just get in the way of what the body actually knows how to do naturally. Not that this always works, but it makes us try again.

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