Do you want your ex to run to you? Here’s how to even score with your ex

You feel bad because your ex has been treating you cruelly and making your life miserable. Your ex has not only left you, but is having fun with the process. They have caused you pain and humiliation. It’s revenge time! You have to even the score with your ex and make your ex feel jealous and guilty. This is what you have to start doing now…

Stop chasing –

Your ex is doing nothing to show you appreciation. In fact, they are doing things to cause you emotional damage. Why the hell would you put up with that and put up with this beating? So you love her, but your ex is not the beginning and end of your life! They must know this.

start ignoring your ex

Your ex is very aware of what he is transmitting to you. They are enjoying the idea that they are making you miserable. Like a parasite that devours everything that has life, your ex is devouring your life. It’s time to turn the tables once and for all! Start by focusing your attention on everything around your ex except him. Talk to your ex’s friends, but not your ex. Pretend your ex doesn’t exist.

Be considerably friendly with your friend-

Do you know a very hot friend of your ex? This is a good time to patch things up with your ex. Talk to his best friend and keep your attention firmly fixed on this friend. Your ex will feel extreme discomfort and abandonment.

Continue to use the ignore-

Reach out to all of your ex’s friends. Give them your time, your laughter, and your undivided attention. Earn his admiration and interest. Soon they will have a great admiration for you, and this will destroy and irritate her very much. Exactly what you want!

Make a nasty call-

Continue to bash your ex’s self esteem by making an unattractive phone call. Ask him for numbers of his friends you know to hang out with, or better yet, ask if he can set you up with his “hot” friend on a date. This will take her to the wall.

Sufficient Remuneration-

You have clearly made your point. Your ex will feel the pain of your acts of revenge. Now is the time to mention the best moments they lived together. Make it clear now that they are lost without you.

Start dating again-

After you have a genuine conversation with your ex, try to rekindle the romance by suggesting a date with him. Going on a date will provide the perfect setting to clear up any unresolved conflicts.

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