Descriptive terms of essential oils (poultice – Sialogugue)

Glossary of descriptive terms: properties, actions and effects of essential oils

Poultice – The therapeutic application of a soft, moist mass of herbs to the skin.

Prophylactic: preventive of diseases or infections

Psychosomatic – the manifestation of physical symptoms resulting from the mental state.

Pulmonary: related to the lungs.

Purgative: a substance that stimulates the evacuation of the intestines.

Pyelitis: inflammation of the kidney.

Rubefacient: agent that reddens the skin, dilates vessels and increases blood flow.

Coolant – cooling – reduces fever

Regulator – An agent that helps balance and regulate the body’s functions.

Relaxing – calming, causing relaxation, relieves tension or tension.

Renal: belonging to the kidney

Solvent: an agent that disperses swelling or affects the absorption of new growth.

Restorative: an agent that helps strengthen and revitalize the body’s systems.

Revulsive – Relieves pain by diverting blood or disease from one part of the body to another.

Rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal mucosa

Sclerosis: hardening of the tissue due to inflammation.

Scrofula – tuberculosis

Seborrhea: increased sebum secretion.

Sedative: agent that exerts a calming, calming and calming effect on the body, good for nervous tension, stress, insomnia, anxiety and palpitations.

Sialogugue: an agent that stimulates the secretion of saliva.

Holistic Mind and Body Therapy, which includes pure essential oils, are gentle, non-invasive complementary forms of health care to balance and synchronize your body, mind and spirit and a natural, safe and effective way to improve your health and well-being. . Comprehensive medical care often produces satisfactory results where other methods have failed. Check with your doctor about serious health problems and don’t try to self-diagnose.

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