Burrunjor – The Australian reptilian monster

In Australia, there is a cryptid known as the Burrunjor. This creature has been in Australian lore for a long time, most likely originating from Aboriginal oral tradition. According to these Aboriginal accounts, the Burrunjor is a reptile that walks on its two hind legs and has two very short forearms. This 25 foot long monster was said to be fast and dangerous. But the Burrunjor story does not end with the Aborigines. Modern Australians have also reported seeing or witnessing these creatures, as well as the carnage they can cause.

Sometime in the 1950s there were numerous ranchers who reported finding their cattle dead on their land, killed by some wild beast. In fact, these cattle were not only dead, but some were also half-eaten by some large, mysterious animal that no one could identify. Other ranchers even reported hearing some thunderous roars in the jungle, with sounds of leaves and branches hitting and snapping in the middle of the night. There was even a farmer who claimed to have seen the giant lizard walking on two feet about 70 meters away. Suffice to say, not many farmers or ranchers stayed.

In 1961, another person reported the Burrunjor and claimed to have seen the monster in a swamp near the Gulf Coast. It was said to be 25 feet tall. Other sightings have not been limited to Australia; Bolivia, New Guinea and South America have also reported seeing this type of creature. The last sighting of the creature was in 1982, three-toed prints were found in New South Wales. The footprint was said to be caused by a bipedal reptile of enormous proportions, as the footprint was 2 feet wide and 2 ½ feet long.

From the accounts, one can summarize the reptilian monster as a type of ancient dinosaur, quite possibly a T-Rex. The creature is unlikely to be an actual T-Rex, but it may have been an ancestor of the dinosaur; one that has been living in the jungle and has had little need to evolve much. Some might say this is unlikely, but the fact is that something is out there. And in a land where kangaroos and kangaroos live, and other unusual and unique animals, it is not difficult to imagine that a creature like the Burrunjor exists.

There is a website that describes the Burrunjor and many other cryptozoology creatures in detail, this website is called: Unknown Creatures and can be found at this URL: http://www.unknown-creatures.com

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