About fourteen thousand years ago

About fourteen thousand years ago, an island nation existed. Mythology now calls this nation Atlantis. Atlantis was a beautiful place, and it was equal to, if not more advanced, than modern society.

The Atlantic had what could be considered automobiles, although theirs were not called automobiles. A modern interpretation would be the transporters. The transporters did not use motors as we know them today. They were powered by electricity. This electricity was created using crystals and taking advantage of the electromagnetic field. Using this concept, and with the sun as a constant source of energy, their transporters were able to fly, just like the floating ships of today. Each family had its own transporter.

Tried googling the Peri Riis maps but couldn’t find any reference to them. The Peri Riis maps were discovered in a sultan’s palace in the late 1700s; no one understood what they were and I think they remained in the British museum for about two hundred years. You could be wrong where they were stored. The thing is, they could be interpreted in the late 1960s and turned out to be aerial maps of the Arctic Circle, only there was no ice, but they showed the land mass.

The Atlantians did not practice religion as we understand it. The Atlantians knew the Master and they knew that His Words came to them from the spiritual guides. Anyone who believes that the Master speaks directly to them is delusional. The Master speaks with the Elders, who in turn speak with the Higher Archangels. The Archangels speak to the spirits and they, in turn, speak to the guardians. Guardians speak to spirit guides, who then speak to us. Understand, the Master sees everything that happens in the entire Universe. The earth, our planet, is only a small and insignificant part of that Universe. To believe that the Master will speak directly to anyone is ridiculous.

The priests and priestesses relayed the messages of the spirit guides. As long as the Laws were obeyed, the land flourished. We now call these Laws the Ten Commandments.

Its form of government was called Administration and the Chief Administrator could be compared to the Mayor of a modern city. It was a chosen position and the Atlantians did not take it too seriously. Gradually, the Chief Administrator gained more and more power. The expression – power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely – did not come from Rome. It was transmitted by what happened to Atlantis.

The Chief Administrator and his Assistants decided that they had to form an army in case other countries of the time decided to invade them. This was not necessarily the case, but they told the population things that were supposedly happening, even though the facts were exaggerated or completely false. The Administrator and his Assistants wanted to control more than their country. They wanted to control as much of the planet as possible and because they had advanced technology, they thought it would happen.

The priests and priestesses said that these alleged facts were false, but the Atlantians believed them anyway. The Atlantians were warned that if they did not stop this aggression, their land would suffer greatly. The warnings were ignored and the Atlantians went to war.

Mythology tells of a great war where the Indian subcontinent now stands. It talks about the flying plane and the rays of light (lasers) that shoot out of these planes and the terrible destruction caused.

Killing for any reason, especially greed or to gain power, is completely against the Laws that were given to the Atlantians. Because they went against the Laws given to them by the Higher Powers, great earthquakes occurred and the country that was once called Atlantis was completely destroyed and sank under the sea. The earthquakes caused a shift of the poles and, consequently, it was the beginning of the last ice age.

Many people will say that this is the product of an active imagination, so I ask this question. If carbon dating could show shoe prints dating back fifty thousand years, what makes anyone believe that man came out of caves only ten thousand years ago? What happened to this planet in the middle where there are no records of past civilizations, only mythology?

As for this earth was created six thousand years ago, as some people believe, how can cave paintings predate the creation of the earth? How can some Native American tribes have lived in Nevada more than twelve thousand years ago?

There are roads on the Caribbean islands that lead to the sea. If these ‘paths’ are followed along the ocean, they emerge on other islands that have ‘paths’ leading to the sea. This is a fact, although not widely known. Anyone looking at a map of the Caribbean can visualize how all the islands were once connected, and the only reason so many exist today is because they were created by volcanoes that are now dormant.

There is also an area in the Caribbean called the ‘Bermuda Triangle’. Stories circulated for years about the disappearance of ships in this area. During World War II, it became better known due to the planes that disappeared. The planes that were able to return talked about how their navigation instruments suddenly stopped working and how the pilots had no idea where they were flying.

There are many things on this planet that we have no idea or history about. The reason I’m writing about ‘Atlantis’ is because we are faced with the same situations today. The more we develop weapons of mass destruction, the more countries will too. The more we think that we are the supreme country in this world, the more things will happen to show that we are not as powerful and omnipotent as we might believe.

A good example of this concerns the elements. We have stronger hurricanes (air), floods (water), earthquakes and mudslides (land) and volcano eruptions (fire). As we continue to destroy the planet and the ozone layers, each of those mentioned above will become stronger and more severe.

We don’t need bigger and better pumps. Any war that is started for profit or conquest is not an authorized war. Yes, some wars are sanctioned. World War II is a good example. Evil must be fought, no matter where its ugly head rears. Remember the seven deadly sins and take a look at this world.

We, each one of us, can stop the deadly virus that corrupts our world. It will be necessary for each of us to do so. No more excuses. No more false believing prophets. No more distrust of others because their skin color is different, or they call the Master by a different name than yours.

We’re running out of time. Life is free choice. Our choice is simple. Either start living by the true teachings of whatever religion is followed, or face the consequences of what will happen if we don’t.


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Start the day right

April 19, 2021