3 Safe Ways to Keep Your Hands From Sweating Without Injections or Surgery

Are you a victim of sweaty palms? Have you developed severe anxiety about the sweat on your palms from sunrise to sunset, regardless of the weather? If so, you are not alone. Believe it or not, you’re not the only one trying to avoid social gatherings and stay in the background at work hoping, wishing, and praying that you can escape the embarrassment and ridicule associated with sweaty palms. .

And since palmar hyperhidrosis (excessive sweaty hands) is one of those misunderstood conditions, you find it harder to talk about it with friends or family. In turn, you end up alone and alienated.

Excessive sweaty hands can be a headache both in social settings and in everyday activities such as shaking hands, writing on a piece of paper, opening a door, driving, signing your name, or holding hands. These are just a few examples of how excessive hand sweating can affect a person. One percent of our population around the world is looking for a way to keep their hands from sweating.

There are many ways to cure sweaty hands naturally, below are three easy remedies that you can try without leaving your home.

1. Find time to relax. According to studies, stress can actually play a big role in contributing to sweaty hands. So if you think your excessive sweating hands are caused by stress, try some relaxing methods like meditation and yoga. Take short breaks during work and relaxing breathing techniques.

2. Natural hand soak. Soak your hands for 20 minutes 5 times a week, in water with white vinegar. The vinegar will absorb some of the moisture from your hands.

3. Increase your water intake. By drinking plenty of water, you help your body flush out toxins. Also, drinking plenty of water helps regulate body temperature. The more water you drink, the cooler it will keep your body and the less you will have to sweat. Also keep in mind that when you sweat you are losing water so it is wise to replenish your body with what you are losing and that is water. Last point, remember that our bodies ARE made up of 70 percent water.

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