TOP 10 ways to get rid of bug bites

As a devoted summer camper, I have already experienced all kinds of different bug bites, starting with biting mosquitoes and flies and ending with bedbugs and spiders. In all the years I have tried a wide variety of different home remedies and of those that have worked best for me I made a TOP 10 list of how to get rid of insect bites:

1. Aspirin mix

Aspirin can be used for more than just a summer headache. Grinding aspirin and mixing it with water to form a paste will coat the bug bites with aspirin’s anti-inflammatory properties and apply it directly to the bite. Cover the bite overnight with a Band-Aid and in the morning the bug bite should be reduced and pain free. Try to avoid scratching after applying the paste. Itching is a sign of healing and is a normal part of the healing process. You can also break aspirin tablets in the middle, moisten them with a little water and rub them on the stains. It worked for me on mosquito and fly bites.

2. salt water

Salt water is a reliable home remedy for all kinds of bug bites. I tried it on bed bug and mosquito bites and it worked great. You can also use garlic, seasoning salt, and Epson or kosher salt. I used to take 3-4 tablespoons. of salt and a few drops of cold water. Then take a clean cloth, water it with the mixture and apply it on the affected area. You can also rub the salt directly on the bites or dip it into the mixture. At first it will cause a strong burning for a few moments but then you will feel great relief from itching and swelling.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant works wonders for any kind of bug bites and skin irritations. It is a natural antiseptic and works as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and encourages your body to heal faster.

Just break off a piece of the stem and cut it to get the juice out. Keep the juice in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes until it feels cold. Now rub the fresh Aloe Vera gel on the affected area and it will soon reduce the swelling, pain and itching. You can reapply as many times as needed. If you don’t have an aloe vera plant on hand, you can also use the gel available at department stores. Aloe vera is one of my favorite home remedies, because it acts very quickly and provides a very soothing touch.

4. Banana peels

Peel the banana and apply the inside of the peel to the bump. After 90 seconds, remove the peel and wash the area, then apply hand sanitizer. Banana peels can take the itch away, but they won’t speed up the healing process. I tried it on mosquito bites and it worked very well for me.

5. saliva

A common belief is that the saliva contained in the mouth has natural disinfectants so it should be beneficial for “licking wounds”. I tested saliva on mosquito bites and bee stings. In my experience, saliva does not cure the inflammation, but it does stop the itching very quickly. I spread the bites with saliva every time it started to itch (2-3 times). I know it’s hard, but it’s important to keep scratching after you put saliva on it. It should start working after 3-5 minutes. I often use it when I am camping outside.

6. Baking soda paste

Another option is to make a paste of baking soda mixed with water. Mix the two ingredients in a 2:1 ratio to get a tick paste. Cover all the bug bites with the paste for about 5 minutes. Washing out the past with cold water This concept can be used on a larger scale if the person is covered with many bites. Just add some paste to a warm bath. It works for all types of bites and skin irritations.

7. Ice

Cold ice is a good method of controlling swelling. Cold temperatures speed up the spread of anti-inflammatory substances to the affected area and inhibit swelling. You can take an ice pack or put some crushed ice on a clean towel and hold it over the affected area for about 5 to 10 minutes. This will give you quick relief from swelling and itching. I always use ice before applying another method. Ice alone will not remove the swelling and itching.

8. Soap

One of the most effective and easy ways to get rid of bug bites is to rub the affected area with a dry bar of soap. The relief from this method is super fast and it works faster than you can mix other home remedies together. It is recommended to use a high quality organic and mild soap. After covering the bites with soap, clean it with cold water and apply some antiseptic cream. It hasn’t worked for me on bug bites and stings!

9. Toothpaste

A very simple way to get rid of a bug bite is to cover the bite with toothpaste. You should apply toothpaste directly on the bite and spread it around the bite until the toothpaste dries. The paste will begin to fall little by little and soon you will feel a great relief. When the bite is gone, you can wash off any remaining toothpaste.

10. onions

The last but not the least home remedy to get rid of bug bites is onion. Onions contain a powerful healing enzyme that can relieve discomfort and promote healing. Rub the juice of a piece of cut onion on the mosquito bite. It will stop itching immediately and if you apply the onion juice two or three times a day the itching will disappear within a few days. I have tried this method many times and highly recommend it for mosquito bites and stings.

Special TIP for campers!

If you are camping in the wild and do not have access to domestic methods, there is something for you too. Mud is the most natural way of all to get rid of bug bites. Applying wet mud to the affected area and letting it dry completely will relieve the pain of the bites. This concept has been used for as long as recorded history. Making a mud mask will also prevent bugs from biting in the first place.

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