Top 10 Dating Tips for Divorced Guys

So, you are back on the single scene after many years of marriage. What is your job?

Where do you start?

How do you meet women again?

Do you know how to properly approach beautiful women? Sometimes it seems like times have changed drastically since the last time you were single. How do you start over?

In my line of work, I have all kinds of clients, and inevitably some of the men are divorced guys looking to work individual scenes, except they have no idea where to start. It’s been quite a while since they hit the bar scene with the guys and approached the girls and now, what maybe used to be second nature, feels a little weird.

It seems that times have changed a lot. Some men feel like they were lucky to meet the girl they married the first time, since they were never very good at attracting women to begin with. Oh what will they do now?

I’m going to be very frank with you. I have never been divorced. Then again, that may be because I’ve never been married either. My job is to help men from all walks of life meet women, build attraction, and have a successful love life. My job is to help men attract women. Whether you plan to remarry or not is none of my business.

If you have been out of the scene for a while, you need to get acclimated to the unique scene once again.

Now, I am going to present a specific 10-step program to enable you to rejoin the singles scene and start attracting more women.

***STEP 1- Attitude Readjustment***

It all starts with your ATTITUDE. This is the first step!

You have to make a decision. I can give you all kinds of dating advice, but it won’t do you any good until you decide you want to handle this part of your life.

So you have a choice: You have a choice. You can stand, whine, whine and complain about how times have changed, how different things are now, OR you can decide NOW to start attracting a wonderful (woman) into your life. If you are reading this article, you may have already made this decision!

Take advantage of this moment to celebrate your freedom! Chances are if he was married for 15 or 20 years, he was institutionalized, kind of like the character “Brooks” from the classic movie “The Shawshank Redemption.” If you’ve seen the movie, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Shawshank’s “Brooks” wanted to choose to stay in a brutal and sadistic prison rather than celebrate a freedom that came with uncertainty.

When you were married, things made sense even when the circumstances were dire. Now, things suddenly don’t make sense and this is a scary feeling.

This is a temporary state! You must realize that this will pass. You are not the first man to get divorced, nor are you the last.

In fact, 60% of marriages end in divorce in some parts of the country, so you’re in pretty good company.

Adjust your attitude. Begin to realize that you have just opened the door to a world of new possibilities. The door of new possibilities has just opened and you should celebrate your newfound freedom.

***STEP 2- Burn your old clothes. It’s time for a makeover***

Look, I know you may have already fixed yourself up nicely. Everything is possible!! We live in a country that leaves Geraldo on television! In my experience, however, most men have no idea how to dress properly and when it comes to married men, forget about it.

In my experience, most married men I know have settled into a comfort zone where the sweatshirt over plain pants has become their calling card. If you’re back on the single scene, it would help if you started taking care of your appearance once again. It’s time to buy some new outfits, a new pair of shoes and spruce up a bit.

I realize this sounds basic, but you’d be horrified to learn how often I come across men who don’t take care of their basic grooming. Just make sure your hair (it doesn’t matter if it’s completely shaved or in a pompadour), your beard/goatee looks like it’s been groomed.

Good Breath is at the top of this list. The problem is that most people, including many of her friends, won’t tell you that she has bad breath. They will just run away. Our first step is to make sure we take care of the basics.

Change the way you dress, start grooming yourself and look presentable. You seem to know that you are in demand!

***STEP 3- Start getting closer***

Make an effort to approach more women and grow your social circle. You have to start socializing more with women and also with more men. Most married couples hang out with other married couples, talk about babies, fight over bills, and watch reruns of Law & Order.

It goes without saying that regardless of the topics of conversation, this particular social circle will not introduce you to as many single women as you would like to meet. Therefore, it would be very smart to start creating new social circles that include single people or at least people in relationships who are still in touch with the world of singles.

You should realize that this requires a bit of effort on your part. You should start starting conversations with more women wherever you go. The first thought that comes to mind for many men is the bar and club scene. Depending on your age, likes, likes, and dislikes, you may not be a bar/club guy. That is certainly understandable.

You can still make an effort to approach women during your daily activities, which can range from grocery stores and coffee shops to various classes, clubs, and the gym.

You may also want to try online personal ads. I only advise you to use personal ads as a supplementary means of meeting women, not as your only means of meeting new women.

***STEP 4- Start exercising again***

I’m being a bit presumptuous here. If you’re already doing it, that’s great. Most married men begin to grow horizontally. Exercise will make you FEEL better physically, emotionally and mentally. It will also boost your self-confidence, which is of the utmost importance! As a bonus, joining a gym will allow you to meet new people, both women and men. (Not to mention that it will improve your physical appearance).

This is not a ploy to pick up women. You will feel better thanks to it!

***STEP 5- Establishing new networks***

Looking to create a network of single friends who really enjoy going out and meeting women. Probably nothing would encourage you to enjoy going out and meeting women more than surrounding yourself with some guys who like to have a good time and socialize.

You’re not going to meet too many women who spend time with introverted people who like to sit at home and play card games. If you’re going to hang out with guys like that, make sure you balance it with hanging out with some animals that want to enjoy the great outdoors.

Okay, we’re halfway there. Part 2 of this article covers the next 5 steps that will allow you to attract desirable women. Continue with the next section.

Wishing you all the best,

cameron theone

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