Throw coins in parks with metal detectors

How to shoot coins in a park with a metal detector.

This article will introduce the basic system for coin hunting in a public park.

One of the first things you should do is check with your city, county parks and recreation department to see if you are allowed to use a metal detector in their parks. If so, they may require a permit. Most permits are free. They are usually good for a year.

The items you want to bring to the park are;

* Metal detector with at least a 6″ coil

*Flat head screwdriver or other excavation instrument.

* Rope or rope to delimit the search area.

* Sand shovel for sandbox, volleyball court or any other sand play area.

*Water to drink. Maybe some snacks.

If you have lived in the area for a long time, you have the advantage of locating some good old parks in your city.

Sit down and think about what certain places were like 20, 30, 40 years ago. Maybe you went to a local school about 25 years ago. That would be a good place to start.

Later I will tell you how we found gold in a city park, valued at more than $300.

I like coin operated shooting parks early in the morning. There are not so many viewpoints. Some of the best places to play with coins in schools and parks are around and under swings, slides, playgrounds and similar games.

Basketball courts, volleyball courts are very good. This is where the sand shovel comes in handy. Don’t forget the food stalls in the parks.

Before you plot your search, sit down and look at the search area. Visualize yourself doing what a person would be doing on the site. Let’s use a sand-based volleyball court. The first area you want to search is around the

edge of the pitch on the grass. People will sit on the edge to watch the fans play. When you get hit, use your flathead screwdriver to push down on the item and move it back and forth. This will usually move the coin or item to

the surface.

The next area of ​​the court is in the sand. You can lay out a wire to do a grid search so you don’t miss any section of the court. When you land a hit, use your sand shovel. We have found coins, jewels, rings in many arenas


Kids seem to have a lot of spare change these days, a far cry from my days when fifty cents got me into a movie, two hot dogs and a coke. Look under the swing sets, you may find some nice change there.

Throwing coins is fun. It takes patients and control, but sometimes it pays a lot.

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