The rise of higher intelligence

During my years of studying and observing human psychology and soul development, I have seen how people can be deceived and I have seen how some rise above the attempted deception to remain or become independent thinkers. What I have recently come to observe and ponder is the rise of independent thinkers who have developed a higher intelligence, an intuitive ability to perceive Truth beyond the surface.

Initially, this perception begins as a cognitive dissonance. Something doesn’t feel right. You feel “off”, but it’s not clear why. Sometimes the feeling is a strong revulsion. This cognitive dissonance drives research. Research leads one to the Truth. Then one Truth leads to another as one goes down rabbit hole after rabbit hole of empirical evidence: the hard facts that are proven by documentation and personal observation by eyewitnesses. Whistleblowers are today’s heroes.

Now there are a large number of people who have become a new breed of humans: the superintelligent ones. They have outdone would-be deceivers. They are surpassed at all times.

Historically, the lower human being carries the group mind of animal instinct. As the human being evolves, he develops his intellect. At this point, one can either get stuck in the small sense of self or move on to the larger sense of self. If one becomes “full of himself” attributing all intelligence to a separate self, or ego, he becomes a narcissist. If they get caught up in this phase, they demonstrate an intellectual ego. This intelligence is limited.

The new emerging intelligence belongs to independent thinkers; those who have moved forward and upward to a greater sense of Self; they have developed an intuitive intelligence based on the attunement with the Truth. These people generally live with integrity and are loving and kind. During the transition, one can to some extent oscillate back and forth until true purity of consciousness is achieved. There is a neutrality in this zero point. There is a higher perspective where understanding and compassion replace judgment.

This form of intelligence marks the arrival of vibrational mastery.

To go deeper into mental evolution, I will discuss a little more the three main kinds of thought.

The former are the group-minded people who tend to follow the herd blindly and obediently. They are prone to following programs and getting caught up in having to be right according to the narratives that trained them. They are limited to the instinctive mind. They are primarily carnal in nature.

The second class of thinkers in human evolution has developed intellectual intelligence. The goal is to accumulate conceptual ideas. They do not embody these ideas; they accept them. There is a high degree of intelligence from those who collect incredible amounts of information. This development can serve both the lower self and the higher self. The lower self tends to be an egotistical self and gets stuck at this level of mental evolution. Some have become crooked types who use their intellectual skills to serve their carnal natures. These guys are making the news in our modern times. They think they are so smart that they are above the law. They try to make the law with dark agendas and control others. However, the light of Truth has something to tell you. Just see how this works!

Some highly developed egotistical intellectuals have become narcissistic. These guys are sought after by those with dark agendas as they can be more used as henchmen to carry out their plans because they can be “bought” with big titles and lots of money. They may join the “club” of elite narcissists. They are easily deceived.

When the intellect is developed and used by the higher self, it is subservient to Spirit in the realm of the soul. Spiritual or soul-realized individuals are more selfless and have an open heart towards others. They have a higher level of tolerance, acceptance, understanding and compassion towards others. They go to the next level of mental evolution.

These are the third level of human intelligence. These are the intuitive independent thinkers who perceive with an open heart and an open mind. They go beyond the relativities of dualistic thought and reach the Absolute. They can discern truth from fiction without judgment or prejudice. This is the realm of the soul, or spirit. It is the field of Totality, the quantum holographic field of intelligence where genius is open to all.

Opening the heart and mind requires a certain skill. It is wise (and safe) to close the doors to the lower vibrational astral planes and the lower vibrations of the EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) of mind control technology. Mastery of the energy field is achieved through the protection and assistance of beings of higher vibrations that are beyond human intelligence.

The original intelligence harnessed by the intuitive mind requires tuning. This is part of vibrational mastery. It is based on Divine love for all and the realization of Oneness. This Unity is a scientific fact as well as a resonant realization of the developed soul.

This realm of the soul is discovered and amalgamated with the All of the Spirit. Jesus spoke of the realm of the soul as the treasure, once discovered, where one would sell everything one has to have it.

In fact, you can observe those who defend the truth and who have lost or given up all material possessions to follow this path. Many have given their lives dedicating themselves to finding and expressing the truth. Sacrificing one’s life in the service of humanity, even to the point of death, is a sign of an evolved soul. They know the Infinite and they know that they are Eternal. Gain is ultimately more precious and lasting than sacrifice.

According to David Hawkins, author of many books, including Power vs. Force, there was a blind spot in consciousness in our previous evolution of consciousness. Innocent people could not perceive the pitfalls of those who had less than pure intentions. They could be disappointed and taken advantage of. But now, with our higher evolution of intuitive intelligence taking place right now, this blind spot is being removed.

Cognitive dissonance is a gift from the soul. As it develops, the consciousness or Inner Light increases its ability to distinguish truth from fiction: secrets and lies are no longer accepted.

Feeling “off” leads to finding empirical evidence.

Now, in our world of increased propaganda and tyrannical deception of global proportions, this new generation of independent thinkers with intuitive insight is a power to be reckoned with. we are uniting We are proud.

Although this is a peaceful power; it is based on the Absolute.

In this unified peaceful power, we are seeing fewer and fewer people buying into the tactics and misinformation of the distorted media, politicians, immoral religious “leaders,” doctors, paid shills, or others.

A reminder may be necessary for those seeking evolution: money and Truth cannot be served. (That does not mean that resources will be limited. Rather, abundance will come to those who have sacrificed.) Priorities are based on love. You can’t be selfish and selfish and be a humanitarian and serve humanity. In both cases, you are one or the other. In order to evolve we have to consciously choose and be dedicated and devoted to Truth and service, or to money and selfish gain.

Those who are evolved control themselves. Those who are not evolved try to control others. The vast majority of the human population IS evolving into Unity Consciousness.

In this New Paradigm love flows, truth reigns, peace prevails and freedom is the platform for innovative solutions and genius creativity.

Peace on earth: goodwill towards all

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