Six simple tips to develop the practice that guarantee an exponential growth of the practice

The following article contains six simple practice building tips that you can easily incorporate into your own daily routine and are guaranteed to grow your practice exponentially. In fact, these can be so seamlessly integrated into your day-to-day marketing efforts that the only way you’ll know you’re doing them is by the sheer number of patients they attract.

Since everyone loves lists, you might even want to print this out and pin it somewhere you can see it, ideally next to your marketing calendar and make sure you’ve worked through the list every day without fail.

With that said and without further ado, here we go.

1. Specialize. You can’t be everything to everyone and trying to be a generalist will only end up stressing you out and suffering from burnout. It is rightly said that “create a niche and you will become rich” and by becoming an expert in your own area you avoid all competition.

two. Guaranteed results and remove all risks from potential clients. There can be many reasons why prospects don’t want to experience what you do, and the main one is the financial risk that if you can’t help them, they’ll run out of money. If you remove this block from attending, people are much more likely to walk through the door, and once they enter, you can convince them to keep your brilliance.

3. Show the benefits of your service, not the features. People buy with their hearts and then justify the decision with their minds. They don’t care what you do, they just care how it makes them feel, so create some emotional outlets! No matter what services you provide, you must understand that you are in the business of results. You are selling results, outcomes and life changing therapies while your competitors are selling treatments.

Four. Talk to at least five people a day about what you do. Get out and mingle with the local community and build trust and rapport. Shop and eat in the surrounding neighborhood where people realize that you are the local person to turn to in a time of need. Get in front of groups and talk – give talks, demos on what you do and you’ll find it’s the fastest way to establish authority and build a dedicated following of enthusiastic and knowledgeable customers.

Find the people in your community who know a lot of other people: church goers, club members, gym members, and ask them to spread the word for you. According to work done by Stanley Milgram, we’re only six people away from anyone else, so if you’ve got some community leaders on your side spreading the word, who knows how many people (and who!) might send it!

As you build your pool of interested prospects, don’t forget that your current customers are your best source of referrals, and get them to spread the word! If you’re not getting referrals from your current clients, it’s probably because you’re not asking them! While they’re excited about the improvements you’ve made for them, just ask for the names of a couple of other people you can help too…

…and if they can’t think of a name to give you, ask them to write you a testimonial. The more testimonials and social proof you have that what you do works, the more potential customers will be attracted to you.

5. Build an email list of potential customers and current customers and contact them frequently. Get your list to know, like and trust you and you’ll be halfway to getting them as customers and keeping them as customers. Keep your emails a mix of educational material, entertainment, offers, and reviews. Don’t try to sell or push sales pitches, as people simply won’t read what you have to say; the idea is to stay top of mind so that whenever they need someone to do what you do, yours is the name. which immediately arrives

6. Sell ​​people what they WANT but give them what they NEED. Attract customers by offering them what they want and while they are with you by converting them to what you really do.

For example, any complementary therapist will argue that preventative treatments and maintenance care are the best solutions for everyone. Regular check-ups will prevent potential problems while keeping you in top physical condition, but that’s not what patients want (or at least don’t realize it yet!). 99 times out of 100 they want pain relief and they want it now, so invite them to relieve their pain and plant the seeds of how wonderful it will be to never have problems with this ailment again. Get patients with pain relief and keep them with prevention!

Above has several marketing steps that will attract some customers on their own. However, when combined, they will lead to a massive increase in the number of clinics, and these six incredibly easy-to-implement ideas are guaranteed to exponentially grow the practice: but only if you implement them and implement them consistently.

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