Professional Freelance Writers Hate Hobbyist Writers

Writers are much like lawyers trying to protect their domain. They all compete with each other in some way and don’t like anyone writing for free or giving away their services at low cost. In fact, there are universities that specialize in journalism majors that many of these professional freelance writers go to and learn to write well.

But I’m actually the only freelance writer I know because I don’t get paid as it’s a hobby and I write volumes of articles (7000) and my name is Lance. So all these other so called professional writers who call themselves freelance writers are not doing it for free or calling themselves Lance. But professional writers hate me because I do it for free.

It seems to me that they are afraid and in 27 years in the business I have seen this before every time I enter an industry, associations and professionals hate the newcomer who does it differently from them. But you’d think a lot of truly liberal writers would see the light, since they claim to be so Enlightened!

No, they are protectionists, they look down on the up-and-comers because they can’t handle the competition. How pathetic really, so worried about a fan who isn’t with them? My question to the writing industry and professional writers; Wimps, is that all you got?

I’m not impressed with your apparent professionalism, your high fees, your lack of work ethic, your low returns, and frankly, some of your stuff is good, I’ll give you, but it’s not that great. You’re going to have to deal with the amateur writers, because the real freelance writer just stood up!

Consider this in 2006.

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