Plan your time: manage your time, invest your time


At one point or another, we’ve all heard or read all or some of the weather-related phrases listed below:

1) Time is money. Time is wealth.

2) Time is a river. Time is windy.

3) Respect your time.

4) No matter what you do… time will pass.

5) You never know when your weather will change. (Samey bada balvaan hota hai)

6) Every year, every day, every moment is unique in its own way. Once it passes, it will never come back.

7) Respect my time and I will respect yours.

8) In time, all wounds will heal.

9) If I had more hours

10) I don’t have time

There are many more.

But, just like money, wealth, or your assets, can you save time for the tough days? No, You can not. Your time is now, invest it or waste it.

We live in a time in which researchers, philosophers and historians talk, discuss and debate about “Life Management”…”Plan your life”. Each individual should know what he wants in his life? Where do you see yourself after 5 or 10 years? One must know what he or she is expecting in life from him. Therefore, time management is an important aspect of our life.

How busy are you? – Your daily routine

Let’s see, what we (most of us) do in our daily lives. How are we managing our day? As an example I’ll take my daily schedule and I’m sure yours will be closer to that too. We dedicate time to the following activities:

1) Rest / Sleep – 8 hours

2) Health: Yoga, Exercise – 1 hour

3) Prayers – 1 Hour

4) Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks) – 2 hours

5) Entertainment – 2 hours

6) Knowledge / Learning / News – 1 hour

7) Socialization – 1 Hour

8) Work/Profession/Career – 10 hours

9) Travel – 3 hours

10) Family Time – 3 hours

One must do all these activities in order to have a successful, useful, stress-free and happy life. If I calculate the time mentioned above, it turns out to be 32 hours while there are only 24 hours in a day. So how to manage? I don’t want to cut any of the activity.

manage your time

One can manage their time using the following skills and tools

1) Hours

2) multitasking

3) Optimal Use of Technology

4) Delegation

5) Self-discipline

Plan your day. To be disciplined. Respect your time and that of others too. Have a proper schedule. Multitask. Use technology in the best possible way.

let’s plan your day

1) You get up in the morning and then go for a walk or jog. At the same time, you can also listen to prayers, religious songs, etc. on your walk-man. Right or wrong?

2) Once you return from your walk, at your morning tea or milk time, you can scan the newspaper or news channels to stay up to date with the latest events and news. Can?

3) While having breakfast, you can also spend that time with your children and family or listen to songs of your choice.

4) While driving or traveling to your office, you can listen to songs or use your mobile phone to keep in touch with your friends and family through messages and calls. If you’re a higher level and you’re very busy and your office is quite far away… you can also have a meeting in your car. You can also review some reports, analysis; check those reports and also sign those documents that need your signatures and approvals. You can do this?

5) In office, you do all of the following:

A) Internal Meetings (There are three types of meetings – Information Meeting, Discussion/Debate, Review)

B) Routine jobs (It will be very useful to have well-defined processes to take care of routine jobs)

C) Adding value to your role and department

D) Meetings with clients (the purpose can be any of the following: update them; obtain more business; handle complaints/queries)

E) Interviews (To add a new person to your team; Employee retention; Handling employee complaints)

Do you think there is more to what you do in your workplace; In addition to the activities that I have listed???

6) During your first tea break at the office, have a short meeting with your team members and delegate your routine work.

7) You may have an important client or business meeting during your lunch.

8) For discussions/debates with seniors or their peers located in different areas, you can use conference call or video conferencing technology. It will help you manage your time and save your money. The same technology can be used to interview candidates from different locations. You can also use this technology for induction, training and development and also for media information. If you can solve a problem through a simple mobile phone message or a simple email; you don’t have to call for a meeting. So use your mobile phone and the internet to help you manage your time.

9) Along with your second tea break, you can also have another meeting (Review Meeting) with your team.

10) While moving from office to office or department to department, you can also send messages to your family, relatives and friends and keep in touch with them.

11) When you’re in a meeting, it’s important to prepare for the meeting and keep it within the bounds of the discussion. Be there for the meeting, on time, and you also need to know when to end the meeting. It is a matter of discipline.

12) At night, while coming home, you can do any of the following: listen to your favorite songs; review the reports and documents or have a meeting with the client or client.

13) Once you are home, dedicate your time to the family. Listen to them. Resolve your concerns. Enjoy with them. Don’t bore them by discussing your day at the office.

14) At Dinner time, you can be updated again with current news and updates.

15) Before retiring for the day, read something.

Do you think you have things to do or take care of that I have not mentioned on the list?

What do busy people do?

1) They respect your time more than the other person’s.

2) They manage their time in such a way that they have time to do everything in their life.

3) They use technology in the best possible way.

4) They are self-disciplined.

5) They plan their day and their time.

6) They know their limitations. They trust the people, the efficiency and the talent of the people around them and delegate their work.

7) They assume responsibility and accountability.

What don’t busy people do?

1) They don’t yell or complain about lack of time.

2) They do not procrastinate or postpone their work.

3) They don’t gossip.

4) They don’t blame TIME for their failures and frustrations.

5) They do not mix their work with the family. They don’t bring their work home and they don’t bring their emotions and family fights into the workplace.

6) They do not blame others.


The number of hours in a day will not change. There will only be 86,400 seconds in a day. It’s up to you how you manage and use each of those seconds. One needs to invest every second. As has been well said, time once passed will never come back. Busy people are very satisfied, happy and do everything they want to do in their life. Those who show that they are busy end up with frustration, burnout, stress, and most of the time, failure in life and career.

Before I sign out, I like to share some examples so you know the value of time, I studied these examples when I was in school,

To realize a year’s worth; ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize the value of a month; ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of a week; ask an editor of a weekly newspaper or magazine

To realize the value of an hour; ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of a minute; ask the person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of a second; ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of a millisecond; ask the person who has won a silver medal at the Olympic Games.

Time waits for no one. Cherish every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you share it with someone special.

Looking forward to your comments and comments

With much love, care and affection,

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