How to swing the golf club correctly

If I’ve been asked a question several times, it’s how to swing a golf club. It is now one of the first things to face when starting out in golf and can be one of the most difficult to master. The following tips will give you the basics of how to swing a golf club. Practice these tips as often as possible.

Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Be sure to bend at the hips, not the waist, and slightly bend at the knees.

Your arms should hang freely, this can be judged by holding your club and when it makes contact with the ground, change your standing position to ensure your arms hang freely. Check your alignment and make sure your shoulders and hips are parallel to the ball-to-target line.

From your correct position, begin to swing the club back, your shoulders and hands turning naturally with your club, working in harmony with your body. The knee of the front leg should be slightly bent towards the back leg.

When at the top of your swing, you should be looking down at your ball with your chin over your front shoulder and your chest pointing away from your target. The club should be behind your shoulders and completely parallel to the ground.

The downswing is where you release the power that has been built up when you were completing your backswing.

The club must descend freely in a straight line towards the target and continue through the ball. It is best to think that you are just swinging your club for practice and not focusing on the ball, this will ensure that you continue your follow through.

When you complete the correct follow through, even though your chest should be facing the target, your weight is on your front foot and the club is now over your other shoulder.

These are the basics on how to swing your golf club and repeating them regularly will become second nature in no time and impress your golfing buddies with your new swing.

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