Exercise: a treatment to relieve constipation

Exercising and eating the right foods are the secret to relieving constipation. Most people who have constipation have difficulty doing both activities.

Exercise is necessary to eliminate, reduce, minimize and prevent constipation. By practicing, you can promote, produce or create the following:

Tones and strengthens the muscles of the colon
ยท Eliminates toxins from the blood through sweating.
It stimulates your cells to remove waste and makes this waste move through your lymphatic system.
Reduces tension and anxiety.
It stimulates the cell structure of the colon wall to increase its metabolic rate and thus improve its function.

Here is a simple exercise you can do. If you walk after your last meal of the day, you can stimulate your colon to create bowel movements. Also, walking strengthens and tones the walls of your colon. This prevents your colon from becoming deformed when you sometimes become constipated.

Inactivity or lack of exercise will contribute to a lack of muscle tone in the colon, which will contribute to constipation regardless of age.

There are many good exercises that stimulate and strengthen your body. These exercises will help you get rid of constipation. Of course, any type of exercise will be beneficial to your health. When your colon is toxic, then exercises that activate the lymphatic system are good.

The lymphatic system removes waste and toxins from the fluid that surrounds the cells. Therefore, it is critical that these toxins do not remain in your body for too long. If they do, then this is another form of constipation. The lymph nodes become clogged with toxins, debris, and bacteria, and as more waste and toxins are created, they build up in the lymph fluid or vessels.

The rebounder has long been known to be one of the best exercise tools for stimulating and activating the lymphatic system. It also strengthens all the internal organs, tissues and cells. The walls of the colon are especially stretched out, which will help relieve constipation. Other exercises are usually not a complete exercise like the jumper.

In Jumping for Health, 1989, Dr. Morton Walker identifies why jumping is good for a healthy body.

“So, the G-force at the top of the bounce is removed and the body becomes weightless for a fraction of a second. At the bottom of the bounce, when you hit the mat, the G-force is suddenly doubled over what it is ordinary gravity on earth and Internal organs are put under pressure.Its cellular stimulation increases accordingly, so the waste materials inside the cells are squeezed out.The lymphatic system carries the waste to be eliminated through urine and other excretory mechanisms Rebounding makes the body cleaner… Increased G-force also stresses cell walls, causing them to undergo an individual training effect Rebounding aerobics provide more oxygen for osmotic penetration of the blood. Each cell gets the amount of food it needs to thrive.”

But, if you are not satisfied with your body, the illnesses you endure, and the thoughts you think and carry with you, check out some of the changes you can make that will make your life happier and healthier.

The main thing is to provide movement to the stomach area. This provides movement to your colon and helps move stool through your colon. It strengthens the walls of the colon and helps release glutamine which feeds the lining of intestinal cells.

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