Chlorine and Cancer: What Can a Water Filter Do for You?

Every day, cancer cases are increasing in staggering and unprecedented numbers.

While medical professionals work tirelessly to find a cure for the deadliest of

diseases, the number of terminal patients continues to rise. Although the

The cure for cancer continues to elude medical professionals, it is completely within our

own power to protect ourselves and our families and to reduce our risks


In recent years, people have begun to seriously examine known carcinogens and

to protect yourself from these carcinogens. Sunscreen has become a

important defense against skin cancer, and its use is increasing. The number of

smokers trying to quit are increasing every day, precisely because of new information

on the carcinogenic nature of cigarettes.

The increase in such protective behaviors clearly indicates an increased interest in

protect yourself from cancer risks. Still, many people continue to use and

drinking unfiltered tap water, not knowing or not believing in the insidious

nature of this substance. Like it or not, the water that emerges from our

Faucets, pristine as they may seem, are full of carcinogenic compounds. FOR

The simple water filter can now serve as a valuable protection against cancer.

Chlorine and tap water:

Untreated tap water is full of dangerous contaminants like nitrate, arsenic,

microorganisms and chemicals from pesticide runoff. Once this water reaches a

municipal treatment plant, many pollutants are removed. However, one of the

The most dangerous contaminants are actually added to drinking water as part of the

treatment process.

Chlorine, added as an inexpensive and effective drinking water disinfectant, is also a

known poison to the body. It is certainly not a coincidence that chlorine gas was used

with lethal effectiveness as a weapon in the First World War. This gas was known

to severely burn the lungs and other body tissues when inhaled; it is not less

potent when ingested orally. Every day, as we use unfiltered tap water, we are

Effectively pour bleach into the water before drinking it.

This poisonous chemical, accompanied by its by-products, is now known to cause in

at least three types of cancers, among other serious health problems. The Council of the United States

of Environmental Quality recently published a report indicating that the risk of cancer is

93% higher among those who drink chlorinated water than among those who do not drink

chlorinated water! In the following paragraphs, you can read about the

Cancer Risks from Chlorinated Water and Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

from this insidious poison.

Bladder and rectal cancer:

Chlorine has long been known to be one of the leading causes of bladder and rectal cancer.

Once in the water, chlorine interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes.

(THM). These THMs are particularly harmful to the body when ingested. When

Ingested in the body, THMs stimulate the production of free radicals. These free

radicals proceed to destroy or damage vital cells in the body. Because much of

the water we drink ends up in the bladder and / or rectum, the ingestion of THM in

Drinking water is particularly harmful to these organs. THMs cause countless

cases of bladder and rectal cancer every year.

Cancer of the bladder and rectum occurs when malignant cells, often created by THM, infect

the internal tissues of the particular organ. Once they have attached to the bladder

or rectum, malignant cells can be isolated from the infected area or they can

can spread to infect other areas of the body, potentially causing more deadly forms

Of cancer. Each year, 13,000 new cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed in women.

while 37,000 new cases are diagnosed in men. Of these 50,000 new cases each

year, just over 20% of people will die from the disease. Rectal

cancer, more than 40,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and approximately

55% of people diagnosed will die from the disease.

Ironically, one of the best means of protection against these two types of cancer is

Drink a lot of liquids. However, drinking large amounts of contaminated water

it only compounds the risk.

Breast cancer:

Breast cancer is the newest type of cancer associated with ingestion of

chlorinated water. Breast cancer affects one in eight women in the United States

States alone, and kills approximately _ of its victims.

Recent research has linked this deadly cancer to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in

breast tissue. In a shocking study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut,

The researchers found that “women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of

organochlorines (by-products of chlorination) in breast tissue than women without

breast cancer. “While chlorine can enter our bodies in a number of ways,

There is no more common or more frequent means of access than the ingestion of

unfiltered tap water.

A simple solution:

A preventative solution for these three deadly cancers couldn’t be easier. Yes

Chlorinated drinking water is one of the leading causes of cancer, so the obvious method of

To reduce the risk of cancer is to refrain from drinking chlorinated water. U.S

we cannot choose whether to drink water or not, but we can choose the type of water

we allow in our bodies.

Municipal water treatment plants add chlorine to water to help make it cleaner and

purer, but once chlorine has done its job, there is certainly no

reason for its continued deadly presence in drinking water. A simple house

The water filter removes chlorine and its by-products from drinking water, producing

clean and pure drinking water that can also serve as a useful protection against cancer.

Water filters are one of the only water purification methods capable of removing


So what can a water filter do for you? The answer is simple but extremely valuable.

A water filter can protect a person from cancer, one of the deadliest killers of

the 20th century.

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September 6, 2021