Benefits, deficiency, sources and storage of vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, is a water-soluble B vitamin. Vitamin B2 was first noted in 1879 as a green pigment found in milk. It is not stored in the human body for any period and therefore it is important to include a regular dietary source of this vitamin.

Benefits of vitamin B2:

* Riboflavin plays an important role in certain metabolic reactions in the body, particularly in the conversion of carbohydrates (to sugar) and amino acids, which are burned to produce the fuel needed to carry out various activities.

* Vitamin B2 also plays an important role in maintaining muscle tone along the lining of the digestive tract and promotes fitness of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.

* Riboflavin is an important nutrient in the prevention of headaches and some visual disorders, particularly cataracts.

* It also helps keep mucous membranes (such as those lining the mouth) healthy.

* Necessary to process amino acids and fats, activate vitamin B6 and folic acid,

* Essential for normal tissue respiration.

* B2 is an excellent antioxidant and works by neutralizing harmful particles in the body (free radicals). Naturally occurring in the body, these particles not only damage cell membranes, but also interfere with genetic material and contribute to the development of a number of serious diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Riboflavin has the potential to neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage.

* In the treatment of anemia, the addition of vitamin B2 to iron supplements has been shown to increase their effectiveness.

Vitamin B2 deficiency

Unlike other B vitamins, riboflavin is not found in many dietary sources. Riboflavin deficiency is medically called pellagra. The most common cause of riboflavin deficiency is dietary insufficiency, which occurs in those who do not consume rich dietary sources of the vitamin.

Symptoms of riboflavin deficiency include:

” tired,

“stunted growth,

“light sensitivity,

“digestive problems,

“cracks around the corners of the mouth,

« eye strain

“dull or oily hair, oily skin, premature wrinkles on the face and arms, and split nails.

“malfunctioning of the adrenal glands.

“pain in the lips, mouth and tongue.

“the tongue can turn magenta (glossitis),

“seborrheic dermatitis (particularly affecting the scrotum, around the nose, and in the area between
nose and lips).

“conjunctivitis and tearing of the eyes

« anemia

Sources of vitamin B2

The best dietary sources of riboflavin include yeast, almonds, organ meats such as liver, whole grains, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, oily fish, soy, dairy products such as milk and yogurt, eggs and spinach.

Flours and breakfast cereals are often fortified with riboflavin.

Additional doses of this vitamin may be required if a person is a regular alcoholic, dependent on antibiotics, birth control pills, or engages in strenuous exercise.

If a person is under a lot of stress or follows a calorie counted diet, vitamin B2 is also important.

Who is likely to be deficient?

Vitamin B2 deficiency alone is not very common. Vitamin deficiency can occur in the elderly who subsist mainly on tea, coffee, bread, biscuits. Riboflavin deficiency also occurs in people with chronic liver disease, chronic alcoholics.

It usually occurs in association with deficiencies of other B vitamins in most people who are deficient in protein and calories. Chronic disorders such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes mellitus increase the risk of vitamin B2 deficiency.
Also, deficiency may be more likely in people with cataracts, chronic fatigue syndrome, or sickle cell anemia.

What is the recommended dosage?

The ideal level of intake is not really known.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is about 1.1 milligrams of riboflavin daily for women, and men should get 1.7 milligrams daily. The amounts found in many multivitamin supplements (20-25 mg) are sufficient for most people.

Pregnant women require an additional 0.3 mg per day and nursing mothers require an additional 0.5 mg per day.

The absorption of vitamin B2 is better when taken with food.
Too much riboflavin doesn’t seem to cause any serious side effects. Possible reactions to very high doses may include itching, numbness, a burning or prickling sensation, and sensitivity to light. A normal yellow discoloration of urine is seen with increased intake of vitamin B2, but this is quite normal and harmless.

Vitamin B2 storage

Although riboflavin is not destroyed by heat, it can be lost in water when foods are boiled or soaked. Riboflavin is destroyed by light; therefore, items should be stored away from light to protect their riboflavin content.

If you want to get as much vitamin B2 as possible from food, refrigerate fresh fruits and vegetables and keep milk and cereals away from bright light. Vitamins> are easily destroyed and removed during cooking at high temperatures. If you take vitamin B2 supplements, store them at room temperature in a dry, moisture-free place.

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