A look at industrial air compressors

Both manufacturers and industry depend on the services of industrial air compressors. Most industries that use air compressors use high quality industrial grade models. These models are different, more powerful, and more expensive than those used for light duty and regular homeowners.

Industrial air compressors can run on natural gas or electricity. Most industries use natural gas to power their air compressors. Although both types of power used to run these industrial air compressors can be expensive, many businesses find that using natural gas as a power source greatly reduces their utility costs.

Most industries use a two stage type of air compressor for their needs. Generally speaking, this type of industrial air compressor is designed for heavy duty work. These offer a much higher level of air compression, compared to smaller or more compact models. Industrial air compressors generally also offer the ability to store unused air for future use. These can also be more energy efficient because they run at a higher power level than other models; This increased use of horsepower also creates a better working machine that is less likely to break down and requires less maintenance.

As with the purchase of any type of air compressor, those who purchase industrial air compressors must take special care with safety and quality standards. Very few industries are legally allowed to purchase air compressors that are not certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Increased workplace safety and liability concerns have made it necessary for most companies to purchase high-quality, certified devices to ensure the well-being of their employees. Some safety features may include a safety valve to use in the event of excess air pressure in the unit. The valve will automatically release air, therefore lowering the pressure, in the event of a power surge. Without this safety device, users of the machine run the risk of causing an explosion.

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