3 reasons to click on Google Ads

If you’re like me, you tend to ignore all those “Google ads”. Why? I don’t know. It just seems to me that when I’m online looking to make a purchase, I’m looking for a deal. I mean, that’s why I’m online in the first place. I think I’ll find a better deal online than in a physical store. And you know what? I’m right! I will find a better deal online than in a physical store. That’s the way it is. But what about those ads on almost every site or blog I go to? Should I ignore them? You should? The answer… no! And here’s why.

1. They cost money to put there. OK, so that’s why I’m skipping over them, right? Wrong! The fact that they cost money means that the online store that puts them there must be doing something right in order to afford them. Believe me when I tell you to charge higher prices to pay for Google ads IT IS NOT doing something right! A new small business cannot afford Google ads. If a business uses Google Ads, they are probably selling a lot of products, and with all the competition online, they are not selling many products unless they are better than the competition.

2. Bargains. bargains? That’s right, bargains. Because many of Google’s ads are sponsored by larger online merchants, there’s a good chance there’s a bargain on just the item you’re looking for. It’s like the department stores in your city. They are so big that they can afford to run continuous sales on multiple items and sooner or later the item you are looking for will be on sale. It is possible that the item you are looking for is for sale on one of those sites promoted by a Google ad.

3. Zero risk. What do you have to lose by taking a look? You can even center-click or right-click and open the new page in a different tab so you don’t lose the page you were on. There is absolutely no risk involved. It’s not like you have to sign up for a newsletter or buy and try 30 days risk-free. Clicking on a Google ad simply takes you to the site to see what they are offering. If you see something you like, buy it. Most likely, you are already dealing with a reputable store. (See point 1 above). If you don’t like what you see, close it and try another one. Who knows, you just might find the perfect item you’re looking for at just the right price!

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