Life in Biblical times and contemporary Sierra Leone

The focus of this reflection paper is to highlight aspects of life in Biblical times that differ from life in Sierra Leone today. This is a treatment of two distinct ears in world history.

History teaches that in the recent past, rebels invaded Sierra Leone for lack of strength. In Biblical times, towns and cities were surrounded by walls that served as the main defense against invaders. This also changed the nature of the war. Jets flew over Sierra Leone during wars, but the cities were besieged in Biblical times.

A significant natural difference is the level of rainfall. The Palestinian region could only boast about twelve inches of rain. Water remains a major problem, as it accounts for some of the recent conflicts. Sierra Leone gets around one hundred and twenty inches of rain. The structure of the land in Sierra Leone does not match that of Biblical times, which could be divided into five fringes, namely, the coastal plain, the low hills, the higher hills, the valley, and the trans valley.

In Biblical times, people initially lived in tents and later lived in flat-roofed mud-brick houses made of grass, earth, and clay. There was no electricity and glass/steel windows unlike their presence in Sierra Leone. The lifestyle then was relatively primitive.

The land in Biblical times was a better archaeological site than Sierra Leone. As cities or towns were razed and rebuilt, archaeologists had impressive layers of civilization from which they unearthed artifacts.

The cuneiform script used in Biblical times is not as advanced as the Sierra Leone form of writing. Print and electronic media for selecting, acquiring, processing, storing, retrieving, and disseminating information are more advanced than clay tablets. Although boats were in use in Paul’s time, the modern speedboats, ferries, and boats used in Sierra Leone are more advanced. Hebrew and Greek were common Biblical languages ​​unlike Krio and English in Sierra Leone.

The religious dispensation is also different. Messianic expectations are the same. The coming of Christ is closer for Sierra Leoneans than in Biblical times. Christians no longer worship only in the mountains. Temples and synagogues were used in Biblical times, but churches are used today in Sierra Leone. Dressing in Biblical times provided more cover than in contemporary Sierra Leone.

History in Sierra Leone, in conclusion, basically gets blanket treatment as opposed to theological history in Biblical times in which events are mentioned if they significantly affect the Biblical situation.

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