Hanuman – The quintessential communicator

After globalization, the word “management” is heard everywhere and its demand is growing by leaps and bounds. Communication skills ie ‘the power to speak’ is essential to succeed in any ‘Management’ role.

Communication – the divine weapon

Long ago, Mahakavi Kalidasa wrote in ‘Raghu Vamsa’, a great work: ‘Vaagartha Viva Sampruktau; Vaagartha Pratipattaye; Jagatah Pitarau Vande; Parvati Parameswarau’ ‘I greet Parvati and Parameswara, Parents of the Universe, to bless me with expression and meaning, because they are so united.’ Therefore, Kalidasa knew that in communication, word and meaning must be closely linked. It is necessary to say or write exactly what we want to say. The expression of feelings is the only differentiator, which separates human beings from other living beings. Communication is like a divine weapon. If misused, it can become a destructive weapon in the hands of a fool. There are people who enjoy congratulations with the power of their ‘speech’! There are people who invite wars due to lack of proper communication! You can recover the slip of your leg and you can heal, but you can’t reverse the slip of a tongue!

Hanuman – the communication expert!

The importance of the power of communication is illustrated in Valmiki’s epic Ramayana. The general public always feels that Hanuman is just a person who always sings Ram bhajan. He is the expert in Vedas, expert in all sciences, a man of action, a noble minister, an efficient ambassador, an eminent leader and an obedient servant. Whatever position he held, he always followed his dharma as an ideal idol for others.
How is this possible?

Her communication background allowed her to take on various roles efficiently and effectively. Managers of the new age can learn many things and receive advice from Hanuman, the communication expert, acclaimed by Lord Rama himself.

How to communicate?

Hanuman is an expert in scientific communication, that is, he always speaks as he should. Rama discusses how Hanuman speaks in Kishkindha Kaanda as told by Valmiki. When Hanuman meets Rama for the first time outside of Kishkindha as Sugreeva’s messenger, Rama was charmed by Hanuman’s style of communication and art of speaking. He says to his brother Lakshmana: ‘See how excellently Hanuman has spoken. He did not utter a single word without relevance and meaning. He has not wasted a single word. He, too, did not miss an appropriate word. He has not taken more time than strictly necessary to express what he wanted to say. Every word he said can never be forgotten. Such a voice promotes the general welfare and remains forever in the hearts and minds of generations to come.’ Isn’t that a brief statement of the fundamentals and essentials of how speech should be?

Again, when Hanuman sees Sita at Ashoka Grove in Lanka of Ravana, the Demon King, he exclaims, “Meeting Sita here is like listening to a person who lacks the culture of words, who tries to say something but actually says something.” . plus!’ A mismatch between what is said and what is meant.

According to Francis T. Bergin, a well-known communication expert, the seven C’s are the essential elements of communication. It should be ‘correct’, ‘clear’, ‘complete’, ‘concise’, ‘concrete’, ‘frank’ and ‘courteous’. Do these not coincide with the advice of Valmiki, who wrote centuries ago in the eternal epic of him?

Hanuman on how to speak!

  • Clarity in the content, negative words should not be used.
  • There should be no mistakes in the sentences.
  • No grammatical errors in the sentences.
  • Body language must be perfect.
  • There should be no ill feelings expressed on the face, eyes, forehead, and eyebrows.
  • Proper body language is the sign of effective communication.
  • One should not talk, which is not related to the topic.
  • There should be no ambiguity in the communication.
  • Clarity in communication should always have the highest priority.
  • There shouldn’t be many breaks.
  • Communication must appeal to the heart and mind.
  • You have to speak in the middle octave
  • The words must captivate the listeners. Even the toughest enemy must remain silent with folded hands.
  • Anyone who can practice like Hanuman can achieve success in any of their chosen fields. To cite one more example from the Ramayana, illustrating Hanuman’s effective communication skills, let’s follow this scene. Hanuman, having found Sita in Ravana’s Asoka Garden, returned to his monkey companions, who are eagerly awaiting the news. Seeing his anxious faces, in the presence of Rama, Hanuman shouted ‘Drushta Sita’ and this released not only Rama’s tension but also that of all the monkeys.

    ‘Have you seen Sita!’ – What an appropriate communication in the given context! If Hanuman had started his communication about finding Sita with something other than ‘Drushta’, say with a Sita-like pronouncement, it might only have aroused the anxieties of the monkeys and of Rama to even greater heights, raising innumerable questions such as: ‘ Sita, what happened to her?’ She Is she alive she? Could Hanuman see her? etc., even before Hanuman could complete the rest of his statement. And herein lies the greatness of Valmiki in having Hanuman pay attention to the state of mind of his fellow monkeys and of Rama and convey exactly what they were eagerly waiting to hear.
    How and how much to talk?

    This is one of the dilemmas that we all face on a daily basis. Moral values, rules and regulations will not penetrate deep into the heart, if one simply says them with lost words. To understand the importance of the message, it must be illustrated with a short story or an interesting anecdote. Hanuman demonstrated in Ramayana on many occasions how and how much to speak.

    As emissary and representative

    How to talk while chatting with family? How to speak in the performance of your professional duties? How to talk when you’re in business? How to speak when you are solving a problem? How do you talk when you’re trying to build relationships? How to speak when you are an intermediary or representative?

    Hanuman watched Sita as she attempted suicide. He has to stop her from making that big mistake. He has to inform her about Rama’s arrival. First, he has to gain trust that he is Rama’s Emissary. For his task to be successful, he thought carefully and uttered a single sentence: “Dasaratha is the king of Ayodhya.” He then began to narrate the story sitting on the branches of the tree. Sita stopped her efforts to strangle herself to death after hearing the word ‘Dasharatha’ in Lanka, where Rama is only familiar with the demon population. She felt that her close helpers had come to Lanka. Hanuman then appeared in front of Sita and explained all the happy happenings that Rama is coming to Lanka to deliver her from the clutches of Ravana to comfort her and give her courage. He did not utter a single word about her adventures while crossing the sea.

    Sita has to live until Rama reaches Lanka. What to do to achieve this goal? Just by informing him of Rama’s arrival, He is able to prevent Sita from sacrificing his life. There is no need to narrate his adventures at sea and brag about his greatness. That is why Hanuman always speaks what is necessary according to the situation.

    How to communicate with friends?

    Hanuman, after meeting Sita, burned Lanka, warned Ravana and returned across the sea to meet his monkey army waiting anxiously on the other shore. He reported Sita’s welfare and comforted them. After hearing this good news from Hanuman, they began to ask him about his adventures at sea. How could you cross the sea of ​​hundreds of miles? How did you get into the incredibly protected Lanka? How could you find Sita in that huge Lanka City? Do we want to know all about his victorious journey to Lanka? The monkey army has posed Hanuman with all enthusiasm and anxiety. Hanuman explained all the trials and tribulations of him during his trip to Lanka and captivated them with his experiences at sea. They are his friends and most eager to hear about his adventures. He narrated his entire trip to Lanka like a travelogue. He told them all his adventures, but he did not tell them the two words that Sita said to Rama. Those details are only for Rama. They should not be reported to the friends of him. Those words are for Rama. Friends are friends and the boss is the boss. Personal messages should only be delivered to a particular person.

    How to communicate with Boss and the King

    After returning to Kishkindha, the whole monkey army danced with joy at seeing Sita. Rama asked those who had seen Sita to come forward, until then Hanuman was humbly retreating. After due request from Rama, Hanuman explained Sita’s sad situation in Lanka. He said the two words to Rama as Sita said them. Hanuman handed over the ornament given by Sita to Rama. That is all! He did not utter a single word about his adventures, trials and tribulations during the trip to Lanka.

    Rama is the King. Hanuman is Servant. One has to obey his Boss and complete the task efficiently. That is all!

    One has to emulate Hanuman’s task-oriented demeanor, proactive nature, and power of speech to be successful in any of his chosen fields.

    Ramayana and Mahabharata should be read not in the last phase of life (old age), but in the first two phases. You have to read the epics in childhood and follow them in youth so that they become the pride of parents and proud children of the earth.

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