Emotional Atrophy: Can childhood trauma cause someone to become emotionally atrophied?

Now, while someone’s early years may have been a time when they received what they needed to grow and develop, there’s also the possibility that it wasn’t. As a result of this, they would have been deeply traumatized at this stage of their lives.

However, even though this happened, the years would have continued to pass and one would have gone from a child to an adult. From the outside, then, it may appear that all is well.

No idea

In addition to this, one could be in a position where they are not even aware of the fact that their early years deeply traumatized them. Consequently, the way you experience life will simply be what is ‘normal’ and you won’t even question what is going on.

However, if they had a deep understanding of themselves, they could see that they don’t have a strong connection to their own emotions. During the times when they connect with their part of themselves, they may not feel like a strong and capable adult.

Step back

What this will illustrate is that although your physical self, and even your mental self, will have grown, your emotional self will not really have changed. This part of them may not have moved beyond the level of emotional development that a young child has.

Not only that, this part of them is going to be very bad. But, since they are likely to be carrying a lot of emotional pain, they will go to great lengths to keep you from realizing it.

The result

Not having a good connection with their emotional self, they may find it difficult to form deeper connections with others and to know what their needs are. The antidote to this will be for you to reconnect with this part of your being.

However, as this will unconsciously be seen as too much for them, this is unlikely to happen. Therefore, if you connect with your part of yourself, it will not be by choice.

a trigger

If this occurs, someone or something they have formed an attachment to might change in some way or cease to exist. For example, a relationship could come to an end or a loved one could pass away, triggering a lot of pain in the process.

Then one can go from being closed off to being overwhelmed by how one feels. What they are going through will be painful enough, but thanks to the emotional pain that has surfaced, it could be unbearable.

As usual

This could be a time when they will do almost anything they can to get rid of this pain. One way this can happen is through the use of their willpower, and there is a very good chance that this part of them is very well developed.

The reason for this is that since they will not have had access to their emotional fuel, the fuel of their body, they will have had to rely on the fuel of their mind. This fuel can give one a sense of control, but relying solely on this fuel to make things happen is likely to be very exhausting.

Several options

Along with this, they might consume and/or participate in something that allows them to avoid how they feel. By behaving this way, it may not be long before they can feel better.

However, the pain they had will not be gone; it will have been pushed out of your conscious mind and into your body. Ergo, sooner or later, something else will unlock some of your emotional pain.

no more running

They may also reach a point where they can no longer help how they feel. The dam they had to keep their painful material at bay will have burst.

This may cause them to seek outside support, where they can receive some form of medication and thus prevent their wounds from healing. Alternatively, they may end up working with a therapist or healer who understands what you’re going through, allowing them to provide you with the guidance and support you need to work through your inner wounds.

two problems

To conclude, first of all, childhood trauma causes someone to become emotionally stuck at a certain stage of their development and, throughout their adult years, they may go to great lengths, both consciously and unconsciously, to keep this in check. pain. So it’s not going to be a surprise if someone remains emotionally stunted for most of their life, if not all.

Deep down, you will associate emotional pain with experiences you had as a child, and you won’t want to have those experiences again. The difference now is that they are much stronger than they were so many years ago and they can seek the right support.

If you can relate to this and are ready to face your emotional pain, you will probably need to seek outside support. This can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or healer.

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