Classic Fencing and the Bayonet II

For the classical fencer or martial artist interested in learning to use the bayonet or juken in any context, there are significant challenges. It’s not an insurmountable task, but it does require you to broaden your perspective and change your movement patterns. And it requires quite a bit of research. The result is worthwhile, however, in a broader understanding of swordsmanship and weapons.

The first problem is access to real techniques. The bayonet fencing student has a significant advantage as there are a wide variety of sources available, both in English and online, such as scanned images of the original documents. In addition, several of these texts have been reprinted and are available through specialized military bookstores. The Asian martial arts student faces a more daunting task: as far as I can discover, only one Chinese bayonet text has been translated and is available. The two manuals describing the Japanese juken, one published in World War II and the other in the 1980s, are in Japanese and are rare and expensive to very expensive. For English speakers, American Jukenjutsu – The Bayonet Society offers a resource that may help you locate and understand sources.

The second problem is understanding the context. Bayonet play, even bayonet fencing from the late 1800s, has a completely military context. This means that you often have to understand the manual of arms (the formal method of drills in weapon handling) and the basic foot drill (how the feet move when marching and changing direction) in use in the Army to who designed the bayonet system. designed.

For example, when studying Burton’s 1853 system for the Bombay Army, it immediately becomes apparent from the movements that this system was not designed for troops in company formation. In fairness, Burton notes that his system was designed for light infantry and marksmen who operated in loose formation and with greater independence on the battlefield. And for people trained in modern US military drills, about half of footwork movements just feel wrong, with pivots on both heels or both toes, but not the heel or toes. Spending time learning the basics of contemporary school welding pays dividends when you take the gun in hand.

The third problem is finding a realistic training weapon. Modern training weapons typically sold in the United States are made of wood and replicate the general shape of a weapon, but not the weight of weapons from the World War II period or earlier. Also, if you are studying weapons in the 19th century, they are too short to represent the weapon plus a long or even longer triangular sword bayonet. We added a section of tubular foam insulation typically used in plumbing; it not only provides the length, but allows for safe and comfortable shots. However, what you are training with is lighter and faster than the real thing.

The final topic is the training equipment. To the best of my knowledge, there are no manufacturers that make bayonet training protective gear, test it to the standards of any standards organization, and guarantee its safety under impact. Japanese jukendo equipment is specially reinforced (a regular bogu is not suitable), but it is very expensive and may not meet accepted standards for sports safety equipment in the United States. A wooden rifle with a rubber impact tip deals a blow to a fencing mask that the mask was not designed to withstand. The same blow to the body can break the ribs. The result is that full-power, full-speed strikes not only expose your partner to injury, but also expose you to liability. This means you should discuss this type of activity with your insurer to make sure your policy covers it, train with a lot of emphasis on safety and matching speed and power to experience, and don’t exceed the capacity of your training team. protection. .

These challenges shouldn’t deter you from exploring the bayonet. It’s an interesting weapon with challenging technique and different distance and timing from most weapons. Its history covers almost 400 years of warfare, offering opportunities to follow the evolution of a weapon and its use. And, if you are a classic fencer, the real challenge is fencing with four weapons, foil, épée, saber and bayonet.

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