Can bladder stones kill cats? Save your cat from the surgeon’s scalpel

Bladder Stone Surgery: Cats often undergo it as vets try to cope with the damage caused by spiraling rounds of UTIs (urinary tract infections), urethral obstructions, kidney dysfunction caused by the above disorders, and more . The sad thing is that they have few options. Too often, when an owner considers the question, “Can bladder stones kill cats?” the cat is already deeply involved in a cascading series of bladder problems.

Even more tragic, in many cases of bladder stone surgery, cats could have been spared the misery and risk if their owners had been mindful and proactive, preventing problems rather than reacting to them after they started. The most common causes of bladder problems in cats are crystal formation in the urine and bacterial infections, with one serving as a trigger for the other. The problem is that the symptoms of these problems are subtle and often overlooked until they are very advanced. If they’ve gone too far and a cat’s urethra is blocked, the vet may have no choice but to use bladder stone surgery. Cats whose urethra is blocked can die within hours.

However, by paying attention to three things, an owner can greatly reduce the chances of a cat having serious bladder problems. A modified diet, consistent water intake, and supplement regimen can prevent conditions that lead to crystal formation and bacterial infection. Can bladder stones kill cats? Yes, but only if your cat gets sick enough for those stones to form!

Crystal formation occurs when there is a dietary imbalance in your cat’s food supply, and too little water and urine to flush the crystals that form out of the system. But if you take the time to do your homework and talk to your vet, you’ll discover that there are many excellent prescription, natural, and homeopathic foods that can upset the chemical balance, dissolving crystals in your urine rather than helping to precipitate them. , and encourages abundant and healthy urination.

To continue to promote consistent and regular urination, a cat needs a constantly available source of clean, clear, fresh water and a clean litter box. With these, a cat is encouraged to empty his bladder deeply and frequently, sweeping away bacteria and crystals before they can cause harm, keeping urine diluted and providing little sustenance for bacteria to feed on.

The final step, natural supplementation, is a gentle, low-impact way to continue the good work that has already been done as a result of protective food and water. There are many formulas available that are safe enough for human use and often use the same gentle herbs found in human supplements. Common ingredients are berberis, cantharis, and staphysagris. These, used together, act as an antibacterial, diuretic, and calming agent, making sure your cat is as safe as possible from bladder stone surgery. Cats are strong companions… but even a strong cat can be helped with a little proactive planning and proper care.

You know the answer to the question. Can bladder stones kill cats? Yes, they can…and therefore cat lovers should act well in advance to discourage triggers that can cause bladder stones. Talk to your vet, plan well, and know your cat is well cared for.

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