Abdominal Muscle Strength Test With 7 Simple Ab Exercises

Most people want a flat stomach, a six pack, a six pack. All of these phrases actually mean the same thing, which is a flat stomach staining well-toned and trimmed abs.

However, how many of you have tried all the latest abs workout machines and abs workout dvd with no success? Have you tried 100 abs a day or top 10 diets, but still no difference in your abs?

If you’ve given up hope and resigned yourself to the fate that you’re going to have a big waist forever, don’t do it. The fact is, everyone can have perfect abs and the reason you are not getting it yet is because you are doing it wrong. In other words, you are not doing your abdominal exercises well and you are not eating well.

If your abs workout routines aren’t correct, you may end up training the wrong group of abs. Before you start doing abdominal exercises, it is advisable to start by testing your abdominal strength and learning more about the anatomy of your abs.

There are many tests available to measure the function of the abdominal muscles. Testing abdominal strength and abdominal endurance is important because it is an indicator of core strength and therefore core stability and lower back support.

Abdominal strength tests are intended to assess the ability of the abdominal muscles to function optimally and maintain a correct position with increasing difficulty. Abdominal endurance tests are intended to assess the ability of the abdominal muscles to perform repeated abdominal curls in a set time (for example, 60 seconds) or a set frequency.

The abdominal strength test is not about doing repeated crunches, but requires you to do crunches of increasing difficulty. The 7-stage test is one of those tests. There are 8 levels, level 0 to 7, in the 7-stage test, with difficulties ranging from very poor to elite. The higher the level at which you can successfully complete your abs, the stronger your abdominal muscles will be.

Lie on your back with your knees at a right angle and your feet flat on the floor. For each prescribed level, try to perform a full sit-up, starting with level 1. Each level is achieved by performing a single sit-up in the prescribed manner, without leaving the feet off the floor. As many attempts as necessary can be made. So, take the following simple tests to find out how powerful your abdominal muscles are now.

Level 0: if you cannot perform level 1. Your score is Very Low.

Level 1: Can do sit-ups with arms extended, athlete huddles so wrists reach knees. Your score is poor.

Level 2: Can do sit-ups with arms extended, athlete huddles so elbows reach knees. Your score is fair.

Level 3: Can do sit-ups with arms together over abs, athletes snuggle so chest touches thighs. Your score is average.

Level 4: Can do crunches with arms crossed over chest, holding opposite shoulders, athlete snuggles so forearms touch thighs. Your score is rated as good

Level 5: Can do crunches with hands behind head, athlete snuggles so chest touches thighs. Your score is very good.

Level 6: You can do crunches based on level 5, with a weight of 5 lbs (2.5 kg) held behind the head, with the chest touching the thighs. Your score is excellent. Well done!

Level 7: Can do level 5 sit-ups, with a weight of 10 pounds (5 kg) held behind the head, with the chest touching the thighs. You are rated Elite. Congratulations!

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November 26, 2021